What are some questions to ask a law professor? Forum

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What are some questions to ask a law professor?

Post by Knock » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:19 am

So I am talking to a law professor tomorrow and I was trying to come up with a solid list of questions to ask, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

All I have so far are more basic and general ones:
why law school? why that school? etc.
and ask him for just general advice for me.

But I don't want to be completely unprepared so I wanted to make a list of intelligent questions that aren't the kind that you can read on the front page of the website.

Thanks for any help.

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Re: What are some questions to ask a law professor?

Post by vexion » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:33 am

What I gather is that it's a sort of informal chat with a professor at a school you're considering attending (correct me if I'm wrong).

If you're still on the fence about that law school, I don't know, ask him stuff like:
  • How many hours do you believe students should put in outside of class for each hour in your class?
  • Do you know approximately how difficult it is to make law review here? How many people grade on versus write on?
  • I want to practice xxx law. Will XXX Law School provide me that career opportunity?
If it's more of an evaluative interview, try to steer the conversation to where he talks about himself. It'll make him like you more. Softball stuff like:
  • Where did you go to law school?
  • Did you do any legal work before teaching? (What sort/for how long/how'd you like it?)
  • What do you like best about XXX Law School over, say, your alma mater?
If you're not from the city/town, ask him about the area, what he likes and doesn't like.

If you're just meeting with a professor to ask him general questions about law school, try stuff like:
  • Do you agree with people who say you need to "Go to the best law school you get into?
  • How necessary are supplemental study aids? (TCR: 100% necessary. But you can try to gauge his view of law school by gauging his response.)
  • What's the best piece of advice I can walk away with today?

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Re: What are some questions to ask a law professor?

Post by Knock » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:39 am

It's more of an informal chit chat than anything. But his resume literally blew me away. He is INCREDIBLY accomplished, and teaching at a great school.

So I really don't want to waste his time whatsoever. Thank you very much for the response it was very helpful.


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Re: What are some questions to ask a law professor?

Post by Oblomov » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:43 am


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