Am I the Only One? Forum

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Am I the Only One?

Post by kilgore_trout » Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:25 pm

I've been thinking/worrying/stressing about getting into law school for about 3 years now - between the LSAT, deciding on schools, filling out applications, etc. Obsessing about this stuff has taken over my life.

Lately I've found that when I'm watching TV I wonder how good of soft factors the people have on the various programs I'm watching.

Examples of thoughts I've had lately:

"I wonder how a gold medal in speed skating would affect your chances at UVA."

"I wonder if winning The Bachelor is considered enough of a notable accomplishment for Stanford."

"I hate Tim Tebow...not because of any rivalry or anything, but mainly because his Heisman and Player of the Year awards would look way better on an application than my Dean's List recognition."

Am I the only one who thinks about this stuff??

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Waggly Toast

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Re: Am I the Only One?

Post by Waggly Toast » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:00 pm

No, I hate Tim Tebow too.

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Re: Am I the Only One?

Post by Mattalones » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:12 pm

kilgore_trout wrote:I've been thinking/worrying/stressing about getting into law school for about 3 years now - between the LSAT, deciding on schools, filling out applications, etc. Obsessing about this stuff has taken over my life.

Lately I've found that when I'm watching TV I wonder how good of soft factors the people have on the various programs I'm watching.

Examples of thoughts I've had lately:

"I wonder how a gold medal in speed skating would affect your chances at UVA."

"I wonder if winning The Bachelor is considered enough of a notable accomplishment for Stanford."

"I hate Tim Tebow...not because of any rivalry or anything, but mainly because his Heisman and Player of the Year awards would look way better on an application than my Dean's List recognition."

Am I the only one who thinks about this stuff??
I am going to answer your question, but, just for the record, I am gong to put it out there that I find this entire line of thinking contentious and very unhealthy.

To the point: You are not the only one who thinks like this. I am almost certain. I am certain in the same way that I am certain that there is probably more than one person out there who looks at other people's shoe sizes and wonders how their d**k actually sizes up base on that; in the same way I am certain that there is probably more than one girl out there who, when she looks at another girl's nose job, wonders of her chances at marrying rich are diminished because her rhinoplasty might not quite be up to snuff.

Having said that, think about the kind of shit that an Olympic gold metal winner can push him/herself through, the determination, the relentlessness. There are very few people on earth that have what it takes to push so hard. That is transferable to nearly anything that poses a challenge. Fact of the matter is that the Olympic gold metal winer rightly gets the assumption from people that he/she is going to work harder towards better results than almost everyone else.

If that metal winner ALSO has good stats and tries to get into law school, then expect good things OF THAT PERSON. However, don't project negative judgment onto yourself because someone else (with whom you've never competed) is in Vancouver winning things your never aspired to win ... Out of your control, man. Just grind on what you do as hard as you can.

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