Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too! Forum

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by legalized » Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:16 am

GATORTIM wrote:Blatant hypocrasy (sp)?! What are you talking about? I posted in another thread that my record is not spotless, but it does not include bank robbery (the subject of this thread) or anything involving a firearm or fake I.D (not sure from who's ass u pulled that one, but I sure appreciate all of your research on Florida fake I.D laws).

It is stupid that my OPINION (and that is all it is) has rattled so many of you to the point of speculating about my own record (PM me and I will be more than happy to share with you the details of my speeding and underage drinking violation)
Hey I just go by what's in this thread. I am not coming down on whatever you did, just on this attitude like the man in the story should suffer forever. No matter where he works he will be getting the same taxes taken out of his cheques that pay my financial aid and yours...let's not force him to work shitty low paying jobs when he is obviously good at law.

I think you should see their point thought that your broken law is still a broken law. People who have served the punishment doled out by a judge should not be scarred for life. You shouldn't be constantly judged for something you already resolved how the judge recommended...and neither should he. You are breaking it down into tiers but look, that's why he got a harsher sentence than you. Now that he has served his time, that's just it. He has already paid for his crime. It's not up to us to try judge him again.

Nor you.

So let him start over. Just like you get to start over.

Even if he had shot and killed somebody, i would say the same thing. Cause he would have done his time for it. Even if you had killed somebody with your mistake, I would say the SAME thing. You deserve to start over after starting your sentence.

But I don't want you to feel bad or defensive about what happened in your past, cause you did your punishment for it already. So no stress okay?

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by ToadGoDead » Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:40 am

GATORTIM wrote:let me get down to my central thesis of this dead horse....

If somebody is found guilty of theft, robbery, embezzelment, etc. of federally insured money, that individual, upon having served their sentence should not be allowed to reap the benefits of public funds upon release (grants, sholarship, student loans, etc.).

Upon paying your debt to society, however, this person should be allowed to secure employment, provide for his family, pursue education at his own expense (self-financed education at a private institution is fine with me).

I do feel he is guilty of a violent crime; however, I do not think he presents a danger to society (hence his release) and I would not mind having him as a neighbor. I would drink beer with this guy without fear of him stealing my tv or wallet. I would loan him my tools and maybe even let him borrow my car.
"federally insured money" - why do you keep refering to bank robbing using this?... it seems you are trying to stir emotions or something... all banks are insured by the fdic so i don't know why you keep making this unnecessary distinction.

also, why should he not be able to reap the benefit of public funds... you say you want him to be helped and reform but you do not want to help, that would seem to be counter productive and childish

by the way Tim, you are a prick, and the world would be a better place with less people like you in it. have a good day :D

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by GATORTIM » Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:58 am

ToadGoDead wrote:
GATORTIM wrote:let me get down to my central thesis of this dead horse....

If somebody is found guilty of theft, robbery, embezzelment, etc. of federally insured money, that individual, upon having served their sentence should not be allowed to reap the benefits of public funds upon release (grants, sholarship, student loans, etc.).

Upon paying your debt to society, however, this person should be allowed to secure employment, provide for his family, pursue education at his own expense (self-financed education at a private institution is fine with me).

I do feel he is guilty of a violent crime; however, I do not think he presents a danger to society (hence his release) and I would not mind having him as a neighbor. I would drink beer with this guy without fear of him stealing my tv or wallet. I would loan him my tools and maybe even let him borrow my car.
"federally insured money" - why do you keep refering to bank robbing using this?... it seems you are trying to stir emotions or something... all banks are insured by the fdic so i don't know why you keep making this unnecessary distinction.

also, why should he not be able to reap the benefit of public funds... you say you want him to be helped and reform but you do not want to help, that would seem to be counter productive and childish

by the way Tim, you are a prick, and the world would be a better place with less people like you in it. have a good day :D
So if someone has an opinion that does not parallel yours then they are a prick? It's ironic that your post is about compassion, but yet you wrap it up by name calling and making blanket statements about me. If you really think you can get to know somebody by a few posts on TLS (the majority of which are positive, encouraging and non-offensive) and then claim that the world would be better off without them in it, then perhaps youre the prick....


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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by sibley » Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:40 pm

ToadGoDead wrote:
GATORTIM wrote:let me get down to my central thesis of this dead horse....

If somebody is found guilty of theft, robbery, embezzelment, etc. of federally insured money, that individual, upon having served their sentence should not be allowed to reap the benefits of public funds upon release (grants, sholarship, student loans, etc.).

Upon paying your debt to society, however, this person should be allowed to secure employment, provide for his family, pursue education at his own expense (self-financed education at a private institution is fine with me).

I do feel he is guilty of a violent crime; however, I do not think he presents a danger to society (hence his release) and I would not mind having him as a neighbor. I would drink beer with this guy without fear of him stealing my tv or wallet. I would loan him my tools and maybe even let him borrow my car.
"federally insured money" - why do you keep refering to bank robbing using this?... it seems you are trying to stir emotions or something... all banks are insured by the fdic so i don't know why you keep making this unnecessary distinction.

also, why should he not be able to reap the benefit of public funds... you say you want him to be helped and reform but you do not want to help, that would seem to be counter productive and childish

by the way Tim, you are a prick, and the world would be a better place with less people like you in it. have a good day :D
So if someone has an opinion that does not parallel yours then they are a prick? It's ironic that your post is about compassion, but yet you wrap it up by name calling and making blanket statements about me. If you really think you can get to know somebody by a few posts on TLS (the majority of which are positive, encouraging and non-offensive) and then claim that the world would be better off without them in it, then perhaps youre the prick....

1) I like you just fine, Tim.

2) Since this thread has resorted to attacking the character of its posters as validation of (all sides of) its arguments perhaps it is time for it to be closed?

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by James Bond » Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:59 pm


Honestly this thread is way too serious and cranky

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by JTX » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:37 am

you are all nazis.

:twisted: :P :twisted:


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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by 09042014 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:56 am

If joan can get in, surely a bank robber can get in.

Edit:Also I'd like recognize how after that dude called everyone nazi's I post

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by mpasi » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:22 am

Rawlsian wrote:Cool story, I would love to have him in my section.

+1. The dented cans usually have the best stories. Whomever ends up in his section will probably benefit from his experiences, if they're open to it.


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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by anggwat » Thu May 13, 2010 5:44 pm

According to USC 18 :2113(a-e) (I paraphrase) Even mentioning that you have a weapon, albeit nonverbally (in a note for instance) in a bank, is considered a "threat of death" not just violence----a threat of death...question.......

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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by JTX » Thu May 13, 2010 5:49 pm

ohai little necromancer.
at least this one was only a few months buried.


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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by anggwat » Thu May 13, 2010 5:58 pm

it interested me (shoulder shrug), what can i say? oh yeah, questions of law are never dead, hence the setup of our beloved judicial system :) and the meat of your scholarship.

oh i almost forgot the important part: assuming civil rights are restored from serving a sentence based off of the conviction; a person's opportunity to study a field that interests them (and of which they meet the academic standards of the profession) in a nationally recognized collegiate setting (which is obviously not a step in the direction of any wrongdoing or misjudgment displayed in the past) is now revoked based on the fact that the instructional institutions who also double as ushers into the legal profession have a greater allegiance to supplying the legal profession than educating private citizens with the knowledge to not only become better citizens themselves, well versed in the language which binds our society, yet also assume the position of being able to represent those in society who cannot represent themselves (through lack of interest, knowledge, or competence).

I dunno any thoughts?


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Re: Novel Way to Get to Law School...T14 perhaps, too!

Post by anggwat » Thu May 13, 2010 5:59 pm

thx for the welcome

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