3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice? Forum

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3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by LSquestion1986 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:05 pm

Need some advice:

Graduated with honors from T10 college, underperformed on the LSAT with a 166, considering re-taking it in February. I have good work/academic references and a strong PS. Any shot at:


Are these all too far out of reach? And worth re-taking the LSAT if I'm fairly sure I can improve?

Thank you!!


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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by BenJ » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:10 pm

None of those are at all out of reach. Retaking the LSAT could improve your chances, but ONLY if you are PTing at least in the lower-mid 170s.

None of those are safe, though, so consider applying to some lower-ranked schools as well. Also, there's no reason to apply to UCLA and not USC that I can see.


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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by waiting4law » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:10 pm

I'd say you're out at all...UCLA is the closest, but they seem to want higher GPAs. It's also getting late in the cycle for someone with borderline numbers. Best to retake, and to be psychologically prepared to wait for the next cycle if you truly want to get into a top school.

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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by scribelaw » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:12 pm

Check out the graphs on LSN -- it's overly optimistic to think you have a chance at any of these schools.

You'll need at least a few points higher. With a 168-170, you could have a more realistic chance at the lower T-14. To crack the T-8 (including Penn), you'd probably need 170/171+.

With the 166, you're solid a little lower in the rankings, in the BU/BC/WUSTL level.

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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by badwithpseudonyms » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:14 pm

My advice: Don't do it! (I don't need the competition :lol: )

Seriously though, they are all long shots (maybe UCLA less so than the others?). And to your last question I'll give the de facto TLS reply: If you think you can do better on the LSAT, always retake... even if it means finding something to do for a year and applying next cycle (which I would recommend with a Feb. retake, but not just out of self interest).

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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by 84Sunbird2000 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:01 pm

I'm in the same boat - 166/3.75 - so I'd say throw out the apps anyways. If you don't get in and don't want to go to a lower tier school, THEN retake the LSAT (say, in June) and shoot for 2011 enrollment. I think you've got a decent-ish shot at UCLA, but like some have said Emory/ND/Wustl/BC/BU/ is the target range. You might have a chance at Vandy or Texas too.

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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by monkeygirl » Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:04 pm

I'm 166 / 3.64, and I say go for it! I've been pleasantly surprised, and as kwhitegocubs said:
kwhitegocubs wrote:If you don't get in and don't want to go to a lower tier school, THEN retake the LSAT (say, in June) and shoot for 2011 enrollment. I think you've got a decent-ish shot at UCLA, but like some have said Emory/ND/Wustl/BC/BU/ is the target range. You might have a chance at Vandy or Texas too.
I'm URM (ish), as in, I really shouldn't qualify for a huge boost, and I'm clear about that in all my apps, but I've gotten in @ a top 6, and decent money from BU, Fordham, & W&M. I am also VERY non-trad, so I might not be a good measuring stick. I am living proof that fortune favors the bold, so I say that you should aim high, knowing that you can retake in June.

Good luck-


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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by LSquestion1986 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:19 pm

Thanks for the advice; much appreciated. Two more questions:

Assuming I get the bump to around 171-172, would most T10 schools average the two scores, or take the highest?

And does taking the February LSAT, no matter how well you do, totally preclude you from applying this term? Would I need to re-write my PS next cycle to explain the extra year?


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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by jelizabeth88 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:24 pm

there are a couple good threads about what schools average lsat and which ones take the highest. one guy made an entire spread sheet actually. But the just of it is that most schools outside of HYSC will take the highest if it's at least 3 pts. Look at the different school's policies though. GTOWN will only consider highest lsat if it's at least 5 pts higher. And Berkeley will only take the highest. Some schools say they take "all scores, including the average, into consideration."

To echo what everyone else has already said. Only retake if you really think you can do significantly better.

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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by waiting4law » Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:54 pm

Quick note to OP: nothing is lost by applying both this cycle and the next. I am a re-applicant, and I got admitted to a school that rejected me last cycle. However, I would caution you to be prepared to not get in this cycle, although it would be great if you did.


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Re: 3.69, 166 LSAT - Applying Advice?

Post by starstruck393 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:02 pm

You'd not only be losing money, but also piece of mind. You've got a very small chance applying this late. I'd find something worthwhile to do with the year off, study and retake in June, and have everything ready to get your apps out in Sept/Oct...

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