The Study Abroad Personal Statement Forum

(Personal Statement Examples, Advice, Critique, . . . )

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Joined: Mon May 25, 2009 5:14 pm

Re: The Study Abroad Personal Statement

Post by Headybrah » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:02 am

I would really like to talk about my study abroad experience.

Particularly 2 experiences stand out to me

1. I was traveling doing research on ecotourism on a region, I got a grant to conduct research for my thesis - I was the first white people they had ever seen it was pretty cool - they had never even seen someone from beijing... that one is cliche and kinda lame

2. the other was with my study abroad group. we were in an ethnic minority village - only supposed to be there 2 hours. got off the bus and saw women carrying unhuman amounts of wood on their backs to their homes. In chinese, I offered to help. Long story short, ended up spending 3 hours in some ladies little hut with the grandfather, mom, son and father all under a roof about the size of my bed. They were so grateful for my help they made me an elaborate dinner. It was the first time I used my Chinese language skills to have a deep conversation. We talked about our families, how families in the US may have $ - they have one family together and are all happy. I told them mad dad didnt get home till 8 most nights and then he had to study for class and I never really saw him.... blah blah blah... any potential?

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