Advice on Supplement? Forum

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Advice on Supplement?

Post by wfudeacons2005 » Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:05 pm

Any feedback on this would be appreciated as I am hoping to get my EA's into Northeastern and Maine on Tuesday. Thanks!

I am supplementing my application to provide background on my Law School Admission Test (LSAT) experience.

In 8th Grade, I was tested and diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder, which generally impairs ones ability to carry out multi-step equations, and rapidly process or comprehend some material. Due to this diagnosis, I was approved for 50% extra-time by my each my Middle School, High School, The College Board (SAT), and my current University. Before beginning the process of applying to law school, I underwent extensive further testing which seemed to confirm that the problem persisted. However, despite the documentation that I put forth the LSAC repeatedly denied my claims for the 50% extra-time that I had been granted since the age of thirteen. While I am certainly proud of scoring a 154 and scoring in the 60th percentile on the October administration of the LSAT, I would like the admissions committee to know that I do not believe that it is fully representative of my academic capabilities because of the aforementioned.

I realize that a central goal of law school is to pass the bar examination at the conclusion of the three or four year program and that the LSAT is often considered an indicator of how one will perform. And, furthermore, I am also aware that obtaining extra-time for the bar examination is as difficult, if not more so, than for the LSAT. Though, I do strongly believe that there are fundamental differences between the two tests. The LSAT is a standardized test that is that is designed to measure aptitude and potential in a more abstract and rushed manner. However, the bar examination strictly tests ones preparedness based on factual knowledge. I feel that my being on pace to graduate Cum Laude from a top-25, national university indicates that I am undoubtedly well equipped to deal with the latter, regardless of time constraints. Through hard work and determination, I have not allowed my learning disability to hinder my academic success to this point and I have no doubt that this will continue hold true in law school.


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Re: Advice on Supplement?

Post by wfudeacons2005 » Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:38 pm



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Re: Advice on Supplement?

Post by theaether » Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:21 pm

I don't think it's the case that the "LSAT is often considered an indicator of how one will perform" (on the bar exam).

ones = one's

so you're saying the LSAT tests one in a "rushed manner," whereas the bar isn't rushed because it's based on "factual knowledge?" i wouldn't know about that, but i don't think bar takers are exactly finishing their tests and then twiddling their thumbs for the remaining allotted time.

your argument that graduating with honors from college = equipped to take the bar is a little faulty under the premises that 1) you got 50% extra time in college and 2) you probably won't get any extra time on the bar, as you pointed out.

overall, i think the first paragraph is a good explanation and the second paragraph hurts you more than it helps you (due to the logic holes i pointed out)


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Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 2:08 am

Re: Advice on Supplement?

Post by wfudeacons2005 » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:36 pm

Thanks for the feedback! So, perhaps it would be fine if I just left the first paragraph and did away with the second all together? It actually does still read pretty completely.

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