PS about art? Forum

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PS about art?

Post by heptune » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:35 pm

I am in the process of writing a PS about art; in a nutshell, the message will be that by learning to draw and paint in a certain way, I discovered how to balance creativity with structure (and thus in a more macro way, how to ground one's aspirations and ideals with practical methods/solutions).

Since I am applying as an undergrad, I hope this essay might speak to my maturity. Still, I am concerned this topic might not showcase other attributes that I know law schools are looking for, like critical thinking skills. Is it still worth finishing?

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Re: PS about art?

Post by amg414 » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:57 pm

If it sounds good and tells the ad comms who you are, I don't see why that would be a bad idea. One of the deans at my school actually left a career as a sculptor and art professor to study law. I used backgammon playing in my PS and it got me in at 4 out of 5 schools I applied to (and on the waitlist at the 5th). If the schools want a specific topic, they'll ask for it.

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Re: PS about art?

Post by Samara » Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:44 pm

I don't know if it will speak to maturity, but it sounds like it could be an interesting PS. PM it to me if you'd like.

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