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Topic for Personal Statment

Post by travis21lawyer » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:19 pm

I plan on applying for admission into the Fall 2012 class. I wanted to get a jump start on my essay, so I wont be scrambling at the last minute. I looking for any suggesions on topics for my essay. I have been out of undergraduate school for over 7 years. I wont to show the skills obtain trough work and graduate school. Should I use the chronological growth angle? I want to put as much distance between undegraduate school as possbible, because my ugpa was not great.


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Re: Topic for Personal Statment

Post by kublaikahn » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:46 pm

I find the chronological essay organization to be the most wearily used. Personally, when I read the chrono I reflexively think "poor writer". But who knows what AdComs will think. Also, I would be careful of the resume rehash that might naturally flow from a chrono. Having said that, you can do it if you want as long as your story and writing are done well.

What would you document, growth in maturity, experience, level of responsibillity? This matters as well. As a non-trad myself, I positioned myself as a quiet leader and advocate that can adapt well to any environment. Some would argue the quiet part. :wink:

It also depends on what your UGPA was. Seven years is a good bit of distance, but it sounds like you will be a serious splitter. If this is the case, you might consider a solid grade addendum distinct from the PS. Then use the PS to fill a gap that the rest of the app. does not show (I assume the resume will show that you are not the person you were in UG).


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Re: Topic for Personal Statment

Post by sparty99 » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:51 am

kublaikahn wrote:I find the chronological essay organization to be the most wearily used. Personally, when I read the chrono I reflexively think "poor writer". But who knows what AdComs will think. Also, I would be careful of the resume rehash that might naturally flow from a chrono. Having said that, you can do it if you want as long as your story and writing are done well.

What would you document, growth in maturity, experience, level of responsibillity? This matters as well. As a non-trad myself, I positioned myself as a quiet leader and advocate that can adapt well to any environment. Some would argue the quiet part. :wink:

It also depends on what your UGPA was. Seven years is a good bit of distance, but it sounds like you will be a serious splitter. If this is the case, you might consider a solid grade addendum distinct from the PS. Then use the PS to fill a gap that the rest of the app. does not show (I assume the resume will show that you are not the person you were in UG).
You can do chronological, but don't get too chronoloical. That is why you have a resume. You will almost certainly have to write about your work and graduate experience. Why graduate school? Why law school? Or how that experience transitions into law. Since you are out of school, they will want a very strong LSAT score. If you do not achieve that, an addendum might be necessary.

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