It looks like every scholarship award I've received has a boilerplate line along the lines of "this award is dependent upon full time attendance for three years at X Law School." I understand (hopefully correctly) that this is generally targeted at students who drop out for academic or other reasons, but it seems as though this could, theoretically, require transfer students to repay any scholarship funds they received as a 1L at their original institution.
More specifically, at one school (Duke) where I'm accepted to a joint degree program, there's a stronger, more specific line to the equivalent of "if you don't complete the joint degree, you may be required to repay all scholarship funds." Obviously, anyone transferring out wouldn't complete the joint degree...
Does anyone know if schools (most concerned with T14 here) ever require repayment from students who transfer out, in any circumstances? In particular, given the more specialized language, does anyone know about Duke?
Obviously, transferring is not my primary concern, but I like to cover all my bases...
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