Scholarship wording? Forum

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Scholarship wording?

Post by zoommonkey » Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:59 pm

I'd like some feedback on the wording of a scholarship offer I got from the University of Wyoming. Its the worst offer I've gotten, both in terms of dollar amount and in wording. It appears that they can, based on the terms they're laying out, do whatever they want. Has anyone else seen an offer phrased this way?

Dear X,

Congratulations! It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive a scholarship in the amount of $ for the 2011-2012 academic year. Scholarships are eligible for renewal at an amount to be determined based upon your academic performance in law school, evidence of good citizenship, and available funds. Scholarships are awarded annually, so it is possible your scholarship could be modified (increased or decreased). However, with good academic progress, it is our intent that this scholarship will continue at a similar amount over the duration of your tenure at The University of Wyoming College of Law. Generally, students are expected to be within the top 40 percent of their class in order to receive scholarship awards, absent extenuating circumstances. Students are allowed and encouraged to apply for all available scholarship funds in any given year.

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Re: Scholarship wording?

Post by ktg808 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:28 am

I'd call them and ask them to clarify.

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Re: Scholarship wording?

Post by fundamentallybroken » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:26 pm

Doesn't seem that ambiguous to me.

Stay in the top 40%, you're likely to keep the same money. Drop below that, we'll yank it (or reduce it, depending). Get to the top 10%, maybe we'll give you more.

I'd call and ask how often/underwhat circumstances they increase or decrease awards year over year.

I'd also ask if they give a scholarship just for putting up with the weather in Laramie. That place is the windiest town I've ever visited.

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