If you were NYU... Forum

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If you were NYU...

Post by hype9857 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:03 pm

Would you consider an acceptance at a school like Stanford as a bargaining chip in scholarship negotiation? It wouldn't be the only chip. Say the other is money at a peer school.

Basically I'm wondering if NYU would think that such an acceptance would be irrelevant, or worse, insulting, if brought up.


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Re: If you were NYU...

Post by jamiLAW » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:10 pm

Why would they find that insulting? If you'd go to NYU over Stanford if they matched, they should take it as a huge compliment. (I don't know why you'd consider this though....Stanford has a great reputation nationwide.)

Sorry you have to be in such a difficult situation :D


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Re: If you were NYU...

Post by barry » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:13 pm

I mean don't wave it in their face or be like well stanford blows NYU out of the water, but i don't think they would be insulted at all if you went about it tactfully

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