Negotiating $$ at Duke using $$ from Northwestern Forum

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Negotiating $$ at Duke using $$ from Northwestern

Post by strokes788 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:41 pm

I was offered a 20K a year scholarship from Northwestern as opposed to a 15K a year scholarship from Duke, and seeing that they are peer schools (at least according to the US News rankings/as T14 schools in the lower end) I was wondering, how should I possibly go about seeing if Duke will match Northwestern's offer?

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Re: Negotiating $$ at Duke using $$ from Northwestern

Post by patrickd139 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:08 am

strokes788 wrote:I was offered a 20K a year scholarship from Northwestern as opposed to a 15K a year scholarship from Duke, and seeing that they are peer schools (at least according to the US News rankings/as T14 schools in the lower end) I was wondering, how should I possibly go about seeing if Duke will match Northwestern's offer?
You should call/email/go in person to Duke and see if they will match Northwestern's offer.


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Re: Negotiating $$ at Duke using $$ from Northwestern

Post by rapstar » Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:20 am

if you will definitely attend duke if you are given 20k you should say that. IMO the most powerful bargaining chip you can use is flat out saying "if this amount can be matched then I will withdraw all of my other apps and attend Dook." obviously you need to first say i really love duke but nw has given me more money and it is a tough decision...

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