Any clue about joint JD/PhD? Forum

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Any clue about joint JD/PhD?

Post by Ukitake » Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:27 pm


I am asking somewhat prematurely because I just completed the second year of my undergrad, but I am looking to write my LSAT this summer or next summer so I'm trying to get a feel of what the application process will be like. I am primarily interested in academia (in a general sense, though I have particular interest in philosophy of law) but I also have interest in public defence/legal aid services so I am of the mind that a JD/PhD might be the best option for me..I would also just love the educational experience more generally, but I'm wondering where I actually stand? Currently:

Black Male, LGBT, ~lowish~ socioeconomic status (grew up poor, but I mean, we got by tbh so idk)
Second-year undergrad (going into third year in September) at Canadian University (well respected here, not sure about the US?)
Overall GPA: 3.89/4.3. --- Didn't go all out in first year :( , but got a 4.1/4.3 this year. Philosophy Major, minor in Political Studies
Work experience: Government of Canada Summer Intern, Intern at Human Rights and Equity Office, Sexual Assault Intervention Trainer, and going to work at McGill University (Canadian school) this summer for their academic publishing press ~

Extracurriculars: Black Academic Society, Student government stuff, Lots of Politics stuff, International Affairs Association, started a Minorities and Philosophy chapter at my school, Vice-Pres Philosophy club (lol), some other social justice related stuff on campus...pretty much run of the mill for your typical Black applicant interested in social justice and whatnot, or so I presume?

Based on this so far... I guess I'm just trying to figure out how well I'll need to do on my LSAT to have a reasonable shot at a JD/PhD? And my writing sample would have to be flawless, I assume? Or am I way /way/ in over my head and seriously underestimating how competitive this process actually is? My dream for a while has been Northwestern's JD/PhD in Philosophy or African-American Studies..but are all the Ivy applicants basically going to bypass me? I'm concerned and confused. I'm just horrified of being shut out/rejected across the board and then wondering what to do next..I know I still have two years left of undergrad, but I feel like I need some kind of plan so yeah. Any help would be very appreciated!


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Re: Any clue about joint JD/PhD?

Post by nixy » Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:05 pm

Have you talked to anyone about PhD applications in your chosen field? It’s a very different application process than for JD programs and I don’t think being admitted to a JD program is going to get you into a PhD program without really addressing those requirements. I don’t think not being at an Ivy will matter.

As for the JD part, it’s quite different and largely based on stats. Your best shot is to be at or above their 75th percentile GPA/LSAT stats, although as a URM you’ll get a boost to your LSAT so have more wiggle room.

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