Diversity Cover Letter Forum

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Diversity Cover Letter

Post by bolt88 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:22 am

I am having the hardest time writing a particular cover letter and was hoping someone may have some advice. The directions are:

"In the cover letter, applicants should describe their experience with and commitment to diversity (including but not limited to diversity in the context of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation and identity, religion and disability), and in particular, describe how their career will enhance diversity in the legal profession"

My problem is not with the experience or commitment to diversity but how my career will "enhance diversity in the legal profession." I feel like everything I've tried is on par with a Miss America pageant answer or comes across as if I have a crystal ball and can read the future. Did I mention I have 500 words to do all that on top of include the other essentials of a cover letter?

If anyone has read this far, any suggestions would be very appreciated.

P.S. I am a white gay male, but I welcome any and all answers or perspectives as I'm really just looking to get the creative juices flowing rather than wanting to verbatim take any one persons answer. Thank you!

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Re: Diversity Cover Letter

Post by Flokkness » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:23 am

describe how their career will enhance diversity in the legal profession
I've always thought this question a trap for the unwary. It's tempting to answer that one will enhance diversity in the legal profession by virtue of 1) being in the legal profession and 2) being diverse. It's essentially an invitation to engage in self-absorbed and magical reasoning. That also makes it a good opportunity to not look self-absorbed and silly (i.e. more mature than the cats who fell for it).

Maybe link your existing, demonstrated commitment to diversity with plans for substantively improving diversity? Even in some modest way, like progressively more advanced and experience-driven pro bono advocacy that builds on that previously-demonstrated commitment.

Not sure what the details would be, but you could start broad (themes, areas of interest) and get a bit more specific (actual plans, nod to prior commitment and your plans to tackle more advanced advocacy work). Word limit here probably works in your favor.

I hate (and am horrible at) cover letters. So take that with a huge grain of salt. Good luck!

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