Voco90 wrote:Another one of these! I couldn't really find another person with my profile, so I decided to make a new thread (hopefully this helps other people in a similar situation). I'm particularly interested in Stanford, Georgetown, Northwestern, Columbia, Harvard, Vandy, and Cornell.
Your responses will be greatly appreciated!
Some additional info:
-I live in GA
-Economics Major (3.75 GPA in the major); classics and political science minors
-Class President
-President of an honor society
-Member of ODK (NHS)
-Member of the national economics honor society (ODE)
-Member of Mortar Board
-Corporate Intern at a logistics firm for three summers
-Interned in the legal department of a fortune 500 company.
-Member of my school's judicial board
-Last, I attend a T30 liberal arts school in the Northeast.
The world is your oyster. Congratulations!