On Housing at UCLA and USC law school Housing Forum

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On Housing at UCLA and USC law school Housing

Post by Inhousefuture » Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:59 pm


I will be applying to UCLA and USC law school. My questions are regarding student housing:

1. How hard is it to get good student housing at UCLA law school and USC law school? When do you find out if you have gotten student housing and where you have been assigned?

2.Overall, how does student housing work at these schools? Do you get to hold the housing over summer break? Is there enough housing for any law student who wants it? How does COVID affect things?

The Lsat Airbender

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Re: On Housing at UCLA and USC law school Housing

Post by The Lsat Airbender » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:03 pm

How do you define "good" student housing? That means very different things to different people (price, location, building age, square footage, etc.).

If you want maximum choice/control over your housing, might be best to look off-campus. Tons of options in LA.

COVID has messed things up sufficiently that you should rely on schools' websites (or email them with specific questions) for your timing/assignment questions - even someone who was a student 2-3 years ago might have obsolete experience.


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Re: On Housing at UCLA and USC law school Housing

Post by gekko » Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:17 am

Whatever the options are, I would not live in the immediate vicinity of USC, on or off campus. If you ultimately decide to go to either, you should really do a visit first and get an idea of the massive differences between different part of "L.A." It's not really a single city as much as 50 of them arbitrarily sharing a general geography. There is little to no similarity between Westwood and Adams district.

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