OneHandedEconomist wrote:Dear Texas
I have always wanted to go to Texas because Texas and Texas. Unfortunately, it is not financially feasible for me to attend currently with offers X Y and Z from these schools.
If Texas were to offer X amount, I would immediately withdraw my other acceptances and submit my seat deposit.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Exactly. And the number is a full ride. Also, I know Duke and UVA are peers, but poor UVA prestige now that Duke has better employment numbers in every category, better BBQ, better softball and bowling, and of course- the nixon portrait.
And OP, I know OneHanded and I are joking around about UVA and Durham, but I genuinely think there is much more to do in the Durham area than the Charlottesville area. Cville is a hour from Richmond, but Durham is 20 minutes from Chapel Hill and Raleigh. There is a lot to do in this area. Durham especially is one of the top foody towns in the south, has a really incredible line of restaurants, a lot of things to do. People might like Cville or Durham better, but it is no longer the case Durham is this dirty southern town. I didn't think I would like Durham and love it here, even more so than Cville (where I have spent a considerable amount of time).
Edit: But OP, I know you might like Cville more, but you need to also look into how UVA does in Texas. Duke does extremely well and I truthfully don't know how UVA does (I would bet a little less better). This should be the most important consideration, not whether UVA is a nicer town to you. If Duke is outplacing UVA in Texas, then you really ought to consider not going to UVA over Duke. Duke law even has alumns sitting on the Texas Supreme Court. Just something to consider.