Mullens wrote:People are "shitting on you" because (1) you are talking about taking on $300,000 of debt without any proper understanding of what that looks like and how LRAP programs actually work; (2) you haven't been accepted to any of these schools yet; (3) you refuse to retake the LSAT because it costs $175 and could literally save you hundreds of thousands of dollars and go to a better school by doing so (if you have family medical obligations then why are you looking at schools across the country and not just in that market); (4) you seem to have done no research on any of these schools and their PI placement; (5) you are talking about the biglaw placement of a T2 flagship, which shows you are not actually committed to PI; and (6) your excuse is "this is my first OP" as if you expect all the information to be spoonfed to you.
You need to really do a lot more research and carefully consider the choices you are *hypothetically* about to make. Your entire future and financial well-being rests on this decision and you need to take it far more seriously. With all that being said, you should sit out a cycle or two and retake the LSAT. At the very least this will allow you to earn an income and help take care of your familial medical obligations. It will also give you enough money to retake the LSAT.
(1) I understand what that looks like and have talked to both of my parents about it very extensively, as well as three family members who went to T14s at sticker who are doing IBR + LRAP. (2) Yes, I made it very clearly that I was trying to get information about ED/best fit. As this is a "choosing a law school" section to the forum, not a "choosing the law schools you were admitted to," as a new poster I thought that meant this section of the TLS forums was more open. (3) My financial situation is very restrictive. It's simply not an option. That's not something I expect everyone here to understand. I'm in a really unfortunate and weird situation where I spend essentially everything I have on my family. (4) I have done research. Relative to you, that may be "no research," but I have looked at the schools and PI placements. There are a lot of numbers and opinions out there, so I don't have a clear view of what their general PI strengths are (hence why I am here). (5) I have no intention of going biglaw. That's a terrible point to attack me on. I was only indicating that my state flagship had some placement power in what would be considered tough jobs to land. (6) I gave quite a bit of information, and the whole point of those section of the forum is to ask for advice and information, so, yes, in a way I'm asking to be "spoonfed." I'm more than happy to do my own research (as I have been doing) or to be pointed in the right direction to do better research.
landshoes wrote:If you're scared of the numbers on our curve, don't come to Chicago, because it's not going to change.
If you're seriously considering SCOTUS clerkships in your decision, and think you can will yourself to being the best, I have to LOL at you being scared of our curve. Those two things do not go together. You'll have to be better than your classmates no matter where you go, so who cares if that means getting a 182 average, or getting straight Hs?
Being scared of a curve doesn't mean I would perform (or expect to perform) worse or better at any of the schools. It's more of a mental superstition than anything. I'm big on mental health and balance, and I'm afraid of how I might perceive myself on a harsher curve even if i'm doing really well. I have a history of mental health problems, so I ultimately have to pick a school that is conducive to them. Sorry if I didn't articulate that well.
whysoseriousbiglaw wrote:Mullens wrote:People are "shitting on you" because (1) you are talking about taking on $300,000 of debt without any proper understanding of what that looks like and how LRAP programs actually work; (2) you haven't been accepted to any of these schools yet; (3) you refuse to retake the LSAT because it costs $175 and could literally save you hundreds of thousands of dollars and go to a better school by doing so (if you have family medical obligations then why are you looking at schools across the country and not just in that market); (4) you seem to have done no research on any of these schools and their PI placement; (5) you are talking about the biglaw placement of a T2 flagship, which shows you are not actually committed to PI; and (6) your excuse is "this is my first OP" as if you expect all the information to be spoonfed to you.
You need to really do a lot more research and carefully consider the choices you are *hypothetically* about to make. Your entire future and financial well-being rests on this decision and you need to take it far more seriously. With all that being said, you should sit out a cycle or two and retake the LSAT. At the very least this will allow you to earn an income and help take care of your familial medical obligations. It will also give you enough money to retake the LSAT.
Not to mention if you are a slow reader, going into law is probably a terrible idea.
I don't get a lot of time in biglaw to do work.... Law school was a goddamn joke (because i didn't do any work), but I imagine if you plan on doing work and you're a slow reader you probably wouldn't be able to finish anything. Test taking in law school might be another problem if you're not a quick typist.
Yeah, that's a worry of mine, but it hasn't hindered me much so far in my major, which is very reading intensive. I just heavily cut back on social life and work at the readings. Slow typing isn't a problem at all for me.
Mullens wrote:Also, if you're applying in the fall, are you not planning to make any money this summer? You could mow like 10 lawns and get enough money to retake the LSAT. I think you can also apply for financial hardship waivers and take it for free. YOU NEED TO RETAKE THE LSAT. No one should be giving you any information or advice that is not related to retaking the LSAT.
Unfortunately, I will not be making any money in the summer.
landshoes wrote:Also, when you said you would be fine with being the mayor of a modest, 10,000 person city, I legitimately LOLd. So thanks for that.
I'm glad you got a laugh. I wasn't indicating that it was below me. I'd just really be happy in any size of town; I'm just interested in working with people.