CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest) Forum

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rad lulz

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by rad lulz » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:13 pm

corwin86 wrote:
And thanks for proving my point, rad lulz, about forums like this being completely snarky and useless. I'm complaining because nobody here is answering my question, preferring instead to give me information I didn't ask for and am already aware of.
As my analogy above demonstrates, you're asking the wrong question.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by romothesavior » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:15 pm

corwin86 wrote:I understand that USNWR is what everyone uses as the ultimate guide for what constitutes a better or worse school.
Actually no. USNWR is a shitty publication with a shitty rankings system.

People around here put emphasis on jobs. Moar jobs = better school. It so happens that USNWR roughly captures the job outlook, but don't mistake that for thinking TLS is just prestige-whoring based on USNWR. These schools have miserable placement and your odds of winding up under- or unemployed are high. Retake or don't go.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by indigomachine » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:17 pm

corwin86 wrote:I'm not determined to get a "legal" job. But I think the good about a JD is that one can put it to good use in a variety of non-legal settings. This is all I meant by "versatile". I apologize for the confusion. I'm also not dismissing the job placement stats of either school. I'm well aware of them and am keeping them in mind. I recognize the "risk" of going to a lower-ranked school. But I also recognize the value of going to a school where I'm happy and where I'm likely to meet other people who want to do what I want to do.

I'm not asking for advice about whether I should pick these two schools over a top-ranked school. I'm asking about the relative merits of these two schools.

And thanks for proving my point, rad lulz, about forums like this being completely snarky and useless. I'm complaining because nobody here is answering my question, preferring instead to give me information I didn't ask for and am already aware of.
Tbf, there has been a fair amount of advice on your question in the previous posts. General consensus seems to be that CUNY will likely put you in a better financial / professional situation than NE for your interests. Don't see anyone arguing in favor of NE.

Outside of that, it also shouldn't be a surprise that people focus on employment prospects considering the cost of a law degree. For many (probably most) people both on tls and outside of it, the ability to pay off 6-figure non-dischargable debt is a huge consideration, if not the dominant one. People may not convey that concern in the most congenial way (Internet pseudo-anonymity lulz...), but I think the overarching theme of the advice is well-intentioned (apparently being stuck in debt for the rest of your life sucks...).

As a sidenote on COL NYC v Boston: Boston isn't cheap. You'll save money on rent and, to a much lesser extent, food. The rent part isn't insignificant, but it may be a wash between the relative institutional cost of NE v CUNY (too lazy to do the math...)

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by romothesavior » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:19 pm

lol @ the notion that a law degree is versatile. It is a professional degree that trains you to be a lawyer (and I use "train" liberally here). The "You can do anything with a law degree!" mantra is a myth.

Say, you didn't happen to be born between 1946-1964, did you?

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by top30man » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:20 pm

tfleming09 wrote:
corwin86 wrote:I'm not determined to get a "legal" job.

Then why the fuck go to law school then, herp derpington?
To take advantage of the versatility of a law degree of course.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by corwin86 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:20 pm

tfleming09 wrote:Then why the fuck go to law school then, herp derpington?

Because I see value in using legal training to work on social inequality, which one does not have to do in a law firm.

Sheesh! I can't believe people get so upset over a simple forum post. It's really not that important--I promise!

for those of you who offered meaningful advice, I appreciate it.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by flem » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:22 pm

corwin86 wrote:

Because I see value in using legal training to work on social inequality, which one does not have to do in a law firm.

Sheesh! I can't believe people get so upset over a simple forum post. It's really not that important--I promise!

for those of you who offered meaningful advice, I appreciate it.
Someone can be a "social activist" and work on "social inequality" without incurring 200K in non-dischargeable debt for a festering TTT degree.



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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by JamesChapman23 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:40 pm

corwin86, are you sure you aren't a character on Portlandia? Maybe the bike guy or feminist book shop owner?

The idiocy posted above and generally condescending, arrogant attitude perfectly represents most of these commie idiots that preach about "social justice" and look down on their fellow students attempting to get vulgar private sector jobs (the ones that actually create value for society and put food on the table for morons like you).

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by top30man » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:42 pm

tfleming09 wrote:
corwin86 wrote:

Because I see value in using legal training to work on social inequality, which one does not have to do in a law firm.

Sheesh! I can't believe people get so upset over a simple forum post. It's really not that important--I promise!

for those of you who offered meaningful advice, I appreciate it.
Someone can be a "social activist" and work on "social inequality" without incurring 200K in non-dischargeable debt for a festering TTT degree.

Yeah I don't think many pi orgs need lawyers as you think.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by flem » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:44 pm

What exactly do you want to do? How can you use a JD to help social inequality?

You know that poors can't pay legal bills and their gratitude won't keep Sallie Mae from knocking at your door, yes?

Paul Campos

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by Paul Campos » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:46 pm

2,500 out of 44,500 2011 grads got public interest "jobs" either requiring or preferring a law degree. The quotes are to flag that 30% of these "jobs" were temporary (duration of less than one year) and 24% were part-time. This is in large part because law schools funded "jobs" for nearly 2000 of their own grads and almost all these were categorized as public interest positions. The majority of these were short-term, but some were fake "long-term" positions, that is, positions lasting exactly one year, and therefore categorized as long-term by NALP and the ABA.

So perhaps 1000-1200, i.e., 2-3%, of 2011 grads got real PI jobs. The vast majority of these were public defender positions. Public interest law firms hired a total of 130 2011 grads, i.e., an average of less than one grad per school.

Stats here ... of2011.pdf

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by rickgrimes69 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:12 pm

OP: I want to go to law school so I can get a job to help people. Should I go to these law schools?
TLS: Don't go to these law schools, they're shitty and won't get you a job.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by dr123 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:18 pm

corwin86 wrote:
tfleming09 wrote:Then why the fuck go to law school then, herp derpington?

Because I see value in using legal training to work on social inequality, which one does not have to do in a law firm.

Sheesh! I can't believe people get so upset over a simple forum post. It's really not that important--I promise!

for those of you who offered meaningful advice, I appreciate it.
Get an MSW if you want to work on Social Inequality. Also, the job market for social workers is considerably better than it is for lawyers

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by romothesavior » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:21 pm

Paul Campos wrote:2,500 out of 44,500 2011 grads got public interest "jobs" either requiring or preferring a law degree. The quotes are to flag that 30% of these "jobs" were temporary (duration of less than one year) and 24% were part-time. This is in large part because law schools funded "jobs" for nearly 2000 of their own grads and almost all these were categorized as public interest positions. The majority of these were short-term, but some were fake "long-term" positions, that is, positions lasting exactly one year, and therefore categorized as long-term by NALP and the ABA.

So perhaps 1000-1200, i.e., 2-3%, of 2011 grads got real PI jobs. The vast majority of these were public defender positions. Public interest law firms hired a total of 130 2011 grads, i.e., an average of less than one grad per school.

Stats here ... of2011.pdf
And there you have it, OP.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by TheThriller » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:48 pm


Go to whatever school you like better. If you're going to argue and ignore the advice given by people on this forum then this is the best we can offer you.


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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by kenji » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:31 pm

TLS herps and derps once again.

No one in this thread can read. But hey, keep using those prepped and snarky comments. It doesnt make any of you look stupid at all :roll:


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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by bk1 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:38 pm

kenji wrote:TLS herps and derps once again.

No one in this thread can read. But hey, keep using those prepped and snarky comments. It doesnt make any of you look stupid at all :roll:
You've got a great shtick going. Come up in a bunch of threads where you haven't made a single substantive post, roll your eyes at people actually making cogent arguments, and subtly flaunt the fact that you are more enlightened than everyone else.

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by sunynp » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:41 pm

OP: What are your stats?
Have you ever been to New York or Boston? I know CUNY is cheap but only for in-state and it is hard to live here cheaply(I know I am repeating myself.) But NC might be cheaper for you?
I have one idea of how to get information on these two schools: Find someone who is going there from the school threads and PM them to ask.


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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by kenji » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:52 pm

bk187 wrote:
kenji wrote:TLS herps and derps once again.

No one in this thread can read. But hey, keep using those prepped and snarky comments. It doesnt make any of you look stupid at all :roll:
You've got a great shtick going. Come up in a bunch of threads where you haven't made a single substantive post, roll your eyes at people actually making cogent arguments, and subtly flaunt the fact that you are more enlightened than everyone else.
If TLS stopped derping and learned to read people's posts, I wouldn't have to continue this "shtick".

Keep up those "cogent arguments" though. TLS has them pre-made but whatever, no big deal :roll:

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by flem » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:55 pm

kenji wrote:TLS herps and derps once again.

No one in this thread can read. But hey, keep using those prepped and snarky comments. It doesnt make any of you look stupid at all :roll:
You're trolling is as TTT as the school you likely attend

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by rickgrimes69 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:03 pm

tfleming09 wrote:
kenji wrote:TLS herps and derps once again.

No one in this thread can read. But hey, keep using those prepped and snarky comments. It doesnt make any of you look stupid at all :roll:
You're trolling is as TTT as the school you likely attend

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by locthebloke » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:10 pm

OP, I'm sorry but you're the worst kind of naive there is.. I don't even know where to begin... Why do you think you need a JD to help people and fight social injustice? Join the Peace Corps or something.

You want to fight social injustice? Fight the law school scam. Try going to a crap law school like either of these options. Get saddled with six figure life ruining debt while the "professors" make that in much in annual salary. You want to fight social injustice? Fight the ABA, a criminal organization who preys on naive would-be do-gooders like you by accrediting these horseshit "schools" even though they know the market can't handle the amount of new JDs minted every year, even though they know the schools use duplicitous, misleading salary and employment statistics.

How do you fight this social injustice? By not going to law school unless it's a top school, by refusing to give these pigs a dime.


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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by kenji » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:08 pm

CUNY is 6k a year tuition. Yeah, that's definitely some life-ruining "six figure debt".

This thread is a perfect example of TLS not adopting their talking points to a given situation.


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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by kenji » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:13 pm

tfleming09 wrote:
kenji wrote:TLS herps and derps once again.

No one in this thread can read. But hey, keep using those prepped and snarky comments. It doesnt make any of you look stupid at all :roll:
You're trolling is as TTT as the school you likely attend
Oh hey going after my supposedly "TTT" school again. Keep 'em coming TLS, these are great comments :roll:

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Re: CUNY vs. Northeastern (for law in the public interest)

Post by flem » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:16 pm

kenji wrote:CUNY is 6k a year tuition. Yeah, that's definitely some life-ruining "six figure debt".

This thread is a perfect example of TLS not adopting their talking points to a given situation.

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