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Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by bamasplitter » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:28 pm

So I was pretty much ready to call it quits to the cycle after coming to the decision to turn down Northwestern at sticker for Alabama at full ride + book stipend. I absolutely loved NU but wasn't able to talk myself into the close to $300k in debt it would take. Earlier today, however, Vandy called with an offer off the waitlist with $65k. That would seem to put the debt load somewhere around $150k, which I don't think is quite worth it, but I am for sure going to shoot a feeler out for more aid. I think my cycle in and of itself is solid proof that schools are fishing for high LSATs with the reduced applicants as well as there being a fairly significant "soft" boost for folks with engineering degrees/WE.

Basically I am wondering if any current students have some input on prospects, particularly any IP folks. What grade range would you need to land big law? Any advice on negotiating $? I know Vandy is pretty tight on the negotiation, but it can't hurt. I am trying to form a price point in my head for just how much money I would have to get at Vandy to make me take it over Bama.


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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by heeloftar » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:34 pm

bamasplitter wrote:So I was pretty much ready to call it quits to the cycle after coming to the decision to turn down Northwestern at sticker for Alabama at full ride + book stipend. I absolutely loved NU but wasn't able to talk myself into the close to $300k in debt it would take. Earlier today, however, Vandy called with an offer off the waitlist with $65k. That would seem to put the debt load somewhere around $150k, which I don't think is quite worth it, but I am for sure going to shoot a feeler out for more aid. I think my cycle in and of itself is solid proof that schools are fishing for high LSATs with the reduced applicants as well as there being a fairly significant "soft" boost for folks with engineering degrees/WE.

Basically I am wondering if any current students have some input on prospects, particularly any IP folks. What grade range would you need to land big law? Any advice on negotiating $? I know Vandy is pretty tight on the negotiation, but it can't hurt. I am trying to form a price point in my head for just how much money I would have to get at Vandy to make me take it over Bama.
Where do you want to work?


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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by bamasplitter » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:41 pm

I'm from Alabama and love the south so Vandy makes a lot of sense. That being said good IP work can be harder to find down here than some areas, so I would be willing to follow the work most places if the opportunity arose. I figure likely spots outside the SE could be D.C. or Houston (I'm ChemE).


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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by pballer » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:09 am

I think the question was asked because if you want to practice in Alabama, you should attend Alabama. If you want to practice literally anywhere else (with the possible exception of Georgia), you should probably go elsewhere.

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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by pinkcamellia » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:47 am

I think I would still take Alabama in this situation, providing there are no/very lenient stips on the scholly.

IP recruiting is different than traditional recruiting and they're a little more relaxed on having ties to where you want to work. Good grades from Alabama will get you noticed as long as you really put yourself out there - there's no doubt that you're going to have to hustle, OP. Start early and take the patent bar ASAP (it's set to get harder this fall) to make yourself marketable and get something IP for 1L summer. There's not going to be a lot of IP in Alabama, but if you strike out altogether or end up near the bottom of the class at Vandy, you're going to have more debt than you can handle.

As far as negotiating with Vandy, I have experience in that area, and it is pretty much a no-go. Probably one of the least negotiation-friendly schools, IMHO.

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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by bamasplitter » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:08 pm

pinkcamellia wrote:I think I would still take Alabama in this situation, providing there are no/very lenient stips on the scholly.

IP recruiting is different than traditional recruiting and they're a little more relaxed on having ties to where you want to work. Good grades from Alabama will get you noticed as long as you really put yourself out there - there's no doubt that you're going to have to hustle, OP. Start early and take the patent bar ASAP (it's set to get harder this fall) to make yourself marketable and get something IP for 1L summer. There's not going to be a lot of IP in Alabama, but if you strike out altogether or end up near the bottom of the class at Vandy, you're going to have more debt than you can handle.

As far as negotiating with Vandy, I have experience in that area, and it is pretty much a no-go. Probably one of the least negotiation-friendly schools, IMHO.
Pretty much my own thoughts. Taking on $150k in debt, while obviously less than the close to $300k for NU, would still pretty much require at least a few years of big law to service in a timely manner. Thus having turned down a school for massive debt but "guaranteed" job for a school with half as massive but still massive amount of debt with any question on job prospects seems foolish.

I sent Vandy an email and was told no on more merit aid, but they mentioned that I should send in my need access stuff for evaluation. Is this pretty much a generic response or does Vandy really pass out need based aid? Anybody have any experience with this?


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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by bamasplitter » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:18 pm

So Vandy bumped my scholly up a little, but not an earth shattering amount. Also, the Alabama offer which previously had stips no longer does. Anybody else out there care to weigh in before my decision tomorrow? I think my fear is that I am using anecdotal evidence to oversell myself on the "ease" of getting a patent gig.

I am also quite nervous about my poor undergrad GPA as there is definitely some stuff floating around about how that can be a killer when you are trying to get into patent law. If this is the case would Vandy make me more marketable to big law firms in the south that might have some IP work but aren't the more serious IP firms that screen based on UGPA?

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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by fatduck » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:45 pm

bamasplitter wrote:So Vandy bumped my scholly up a little, but not an earth shattering amount. Also, the Alabama offer which previously had stips no longer does. Anybody else out there care to weigh in before my decision tomorrow? I think my fear is that I am using anecdotal evidence to oversell myself on the "ease" of getting a patent gig.

I am also quite nervous about my poor undergrad GPA as there is definitely some stuff floating around about how that can be a killer when you are trying to get into patent law. If this is the case would Vandy make me more marketable to big law firms in the south that might have some IP work but aren't the more serious IP firms that screen based on UGPA?
take northwestern or bama, and only take bama if you're willing to work in bama. vandy shouldn't be in consideration for more than $100k.

definitely take the patent bar - there's still time to take it before school starts if you apply right now.

how poor is poor undergrad gpa? 3.0+ and it won't really matter. sub-3.0 and it will matter with some firms, but not all.


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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by bamasplitter » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:01 pm

Sub 3.0....If I had been able to swing above a 3.0 I think I'd have been in a much better situation scholarship wise from NU and Vandy.

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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by fatduck » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:02 pm

bamasplitter wrote:Sub 3.0....If I had been able to swing above a 3.0 I think I'd have been in a much better situation scholarship wise from NU and Vandy.
eh, i dunno. my lsac gpa was a bit over 3.0 and i got the same offer.


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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by Hutz_and_Goodman » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:05 pm ... 1&t=187209

This might be of interest.

In my opinion either Bama or northwestern at sticker makes more sense than vandy. Paying six figures at vandy isn't smart given the uncertain job prospects.

Slevin Kelevra 2011

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Re: Thoughts on Vandy...

Post by Slevin Kelevra 2011 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:19 am

Vandy is great if you want to work in the south. It is okay if you want to work in the northeast (on par with BC, BU, GW).

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