Viability of lower tier schools for experienced students? Forum

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Viability of lower tier schools for experienced students?

Post by NorthEastShaolin » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:55 pm

Hey guys,

I'm just curious if anyone could weigh in on how much work experience will offset graduating from a low tier school. A close relative of mine has decided enroll in a program starting this fall and after all the news articles and blogs that dump on the low tier schools I have some serious reservations on his decision. He has about 4 years experience working in a bulge bracket bank and wants to do financial law after he graduates so I can buy arguments that the school pedigree not mattering as much...or is he being too naive?


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Re: Viability of lower tier schools for experienced students?

Post by MrAnon » Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:28 pm

If he doesn't do extremely well then your "relative" will get washed out of law like the rest of the class. Typically what happens to a person like this is that they are much more adept at dealing with law school that your average 2.8 humanities major that goes to a law school like this. So they do well and they come out ok.

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