I'm a long-time lurker, but I'm finally in a position to post. I need some serious help! Here's my situation:
I've been accepted to Iowa, Emory, and W&M (sticker at each, but I'm expecting an inheritance during law school that should help offset some of the cost). My goal is biglaw. I'd prefer if possible to have biglaw in the south, especially Miami (I have a few ties there--my grandparents live there, for one)! But I'd be willing to settle for NYC if that's what it comes to. I guess I have expensive tastes

Which of these schools is best with those goals in mind? A few caveats, because I've seen how these threads usually go. First, I won't retake. These are the schools I got into, and I'm happy with it. I went to an ultra elite UG, so I am quite comfortable with my prestige, thankyou! I can't retake the LSAT anymore, as I have an anxiety disorder and I have panic attacks when I take it, which inhibits my performance. Actually I'm very happy with my score, considering. Second, I know that none of these schools can guarantee me biglaw. However, I'm very confident in my ability to work harder and smarter than my classmates at these schools.
Ok, thanks in advance!