Fordham vs. Minnesota-Twin Cities Forum

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Fordham vs. Minnesota-Twin Cities

Post by pittrulez » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:10 pm

So I've recently been narrowing down which law school I was to choose to go two and my two best offers have been to Fordham and Minnesota-Twin Cities. I'm from Pittsburgh, PA and I'm really not sure at this point whether I want to practice in the New York or northeast region once I graduate or not. It is most likely going to be affected by where my wife's career takes her. I know that Minnesota is the higher ranked school, but I believe Fordham may be the better fit as it is a market I may want to work in after school. I'm wondering if either school has better recognition nationwide or will give me a better likelihood to move to another region after I complete school. Fordham would also be closer to home for me and a more enjoyable environment for me. However, I'm wondering if the higher ranking Minnesota has makes it a drastically better choice. Any feedback would be a huge help. Thanks!


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Re: Fordham vs. Minnesota-Twin Cities

Post by aliarrow » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:18 am

The rank difference doesn't matter for these two schools, they both give decent job prospects in their respective regions. I'd vote Fordham since it sounds like you want to stay in NY.

Any scholarship money?

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Re: Fordham vs. Minnesota-Twin Cities

Post by geoduck » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:36 am

I'm a big Minnesota fan, but Fordham sounds like the better match. UMN places less than 10% in NYC. If you want to stay in that region, go Fordham.

On the other hand, have you visited both schools before determining that the NE is where you want to live?

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