For your situation, Texas would probably be one of the best choices, though none of us can say, definitively, whether or not all of the other T14 are better/worse. Texas is a better choice because you have no ties to Texas. Texas is a whole different animal, and they like their own.Solerpower wrote:
I don't necessarily mean in terms of reputation. I'm really just trying to get a feel for how good UT is. I believe I want to live in Texas, everything seems to be excellent.
What I'm trying to figure out is if UT is the best option. I've read on this forum that BERKLEY is better than UT because fewer grads want Texas and therefore it's the way to go, if you can get it.
I have no Texas ties and i'm really just trying to decided if Texas is the school that I want to attend.
You could send me a PM if you would prefer, but if you could speak to whether or not Texas is a better option than the T14, excluding HYS.
You may also want to take into account that Texas has a relatively cheap COL, and a $60,000 salary gets you pretty far. Also, if you haven't spent a substantial amount of time (more than, say, a vacation), just make sure you're making the right decision for yourself. Texas is just... different. People generally really love it, or totally hate it, there isn't a whole lot of in-between.
Edit: Apparently I can't spell..