Patent Law Forum

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Best Option?

Catholic U. PT 40k
No votes
Chicago-Kent PT 30k
Franklin Pierce FT 45k
Total votes: 5


Posts: 97
Joined: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:05 pm

Patent Law

Post by roofles » Mon May 03, 2010 1:52 am

Computer engineering degree, 5 years WE in the patent law field, most likely ending up on the east coast within 5 years of graduation.

I'm having a tough time deciding between the poll options and am looking for any advice. Franklin Pierce is well respected in patent law on the east coast and the 45k helps. I live in DC and the catholic +40k seems like a good option. Kent is also well respected in patent law and is the highest ranked school, although I am worried about the portability of the Kent degree on the east coast. Any help is appreciated.

edit - poll numbers are total scholarship numbers

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