crackberry wrote:
No, of course Berkeley isn't the greatest place ever, but - putting aside law schools - I'd rather live in Berkeley than New Haven, Cambridge, Palo Alto, Hyde Park, Ann Arbor, Charlottesville or Philly. Really, Berkeley is in the coolest town of any T10 law school except NYU and Columbia.
Berkeley is way closer to SF than Yale is to New York, closer to SF than UofC/Northwestern are to cool parts of Chicago, just as close to SF as Harvard is to Boston, etc.
Either you've never actually lived in Berkeley or you don't know where NU law is located. UChicago is IN CHICAGO, too. And on the lake, apparently off a bikepath up the lake to downtown and other cool parts of chicago. Also, having recently gone to Chicago, I can vouch that the trains are 90% better than the bart in terms of where they go. GULC is also apparently a cool location, although I haven't been there.
Seriously, I think Berkeleyans have some crazy rose-colored glasses on. They oversell almost every aspect of it. From another post:
The Brainalist wrote:sfdreaming09 wrote:I went to Berkeley for undergrad and I can tell you that you *absolutely* don’t need a car in Berkeley. I would say (among undergrads at least) only about 1/4-1/3 of students have a car. The bus system is usually very very good and BART will take you to SF and all around the Bay Area.
TITCR. This one time, I decided to take the BART to the other places in the Bay Area besides SF. First, I rode it to San Jose. Then I rode it to San Rafael, on the other side of the Bay, and continued up to the wine country and Santa Rosa. Then, I rode it down to Palo Alto, Half Moon Bay, and Santa Cruz. I even rode it to Sunset, Golden Gate Bridge, and Golden Gate Park, and the Wharf! That was awesome.
No. That's not right. I think it must have been Oakland, Milbrae, Richmond, Hayward, and Pleasanton, because it doesn't go any of the places I listed above.
The BART is Nice to get across the Bay Bridge, but it really doesn't compare to most other systems There is really only one track going through one end of SF, through downtown, and it really only goes to suburbs otherwise. Get me a motorcycle, OTOH, and living in the bay area rocks. Lots to do and see, it just isn't all feasible with public transit from Berkeley.
Chicago, DC, Boston, NY all beat Berkeley for ability to explore the CITY. I have plenty of friends who went to Berkeley for 5 years (which is typical, btw) and they hardly ever went to the rest of the bay area including the city. They also moved out of Berkeley pretty quickly and never looked back. The place seems great on paper, it just does not live up to the hype.