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My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by itsmytime10 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:27 pm

I start Law school this fall and my wife who has an MBA in finance making 110k is also thinking about going next year. considering the fact that she is 27 and has room to make much more, is this even an idea that she shd entertain?

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by prezidentv8 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:30 pm

itsmytime10 wrote:I start Law school this fall and my wife who has an MBA in finance making 110k is also thinking about going next year. considering the fact that she is 27 and has room to make much more, is this even an idea that she shd entertain?
Does she dislike her job? What are her reasons to go to law school? How happy are you now? Do you have savings? I think we need a bit more info.

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by Cavalier » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:31 pm

Your wife is crazy. In a good economy I'd still say no one should give up a six figure job for law school (unless it's truly a terrible job), but in this economy, abandoning a six figure job for law school is totally ludicrous.


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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by cubswin » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:32 pm

The short answer is no.

If she is interested in law school only for the potential of earning more than she currently makes, then LS is a bad choice. But if she hates her current job and thinks she won't be satisfied with her life doing anything except lawyering, then I suppose LS isn't that bad an option.


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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by itsmytime10 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:33 pm

prezidentv8 wrote:
itsmytime10 wrote:I start Law school this fall and my wife who has an MBA in finance making 110k is also thinking about going next year. considering the fact that she is 27 and has room to make much more, is this even an idea that she shd entertain?
Does she dislike her job? What are her reasons to go to law school? How happy are you now? Do you have savings? I think we need a bit more info.
looks like i put this in the wrong forum We dont have so much saved. she likes her job but always wanted to be a lawyer

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by PLATONiC » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:33 pm

Somebody stop her!


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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by rando » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:39 pm

itsmytime10 wrote:I start Law school this fall and my wife who has an MBA in finance making 110k is also thinking about going next year. considering the fact that she is 27 and has room to make much more, is this even an idea that she shd entertain?
If she really wants to practice law. If it is about the money then probably not.

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by JAP1985 » Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:12 pm

Tell her to go PT so that she can keep her salary!

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by ruleser » Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:00 pm

Of course I have to chime in - I have a somewhat higher salary and am starting law school in the fall. As the economy has turned, etc. I have gone back and forth whether to do the best PT near me (a respectable T2) or go FT to a T1, which I am in with a decent scholarship.

Last year I put a poll on this site, and very mixed answers, and I was very iffy myself. I am not 100% certain what I will choose, but as I see the two top story lines - even crossing into movies, etc. now - being people unable to find jobs and people saddled with massive student debt, I am finding it hard to justify leaving a job people would kill for AND taking on a bunch of debt. Even going to a lesser law school, the idea of coming out with savings instead of debt seems pretty must-do ITE - and really, I don't bank that I'll find another job that pays like this if I leave this one.

Don't know if there is PT prog near you, but if so, have your wife maybe do this: I've gone to my legal dept here, and on top of being able to keep my salary while going PT on a nice scholly, I am going to be able to pop into legal to work on lawsuits against us and contracts, etc. Her co. likely has a legal dept - offer to do it for free, just sort of intern a few hours here or there as they need.

Long and short, I am still visiting some of the T1's I'm in, and if I, say, end up getting in to Cornell after this wait I may have to consider, but right now I'm thinking a two-year plan of PT/money in the bank - it is after two years that you could transfer from a PT prog to a FT prog as a 2L, and so in 2 years, I can assess the economy, and then either thank my lucky stars I kept my job (if I still have it), or feel the econ is better and transfer over to a T1

Still, 27 is not ancient, and the econ will recover eventually. If she gets, say, a T14 with a scholly, might not be the worst decision.

Good luck


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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by scionb4 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:04 pm

Is there any chance her company would pay for her to go in the hopes that she becomes an in-house attorney? I'm not sure if any companies would do that (probably not), or if she even wants to still work for her current employer.

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by ruleser » Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:19 pm

scionb4 wrote:Is there any chance her company would pay for her to go in the hopes that she becomes an in-house attorney? I'm not sure if any companies would do that (probably not), or if she even wants to still work for her current employer.
When I spoke to my legal dept, they mentioned that possibility, in addition to being very open to me gaining experience in legal while continuing in my current position.


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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by scionb4 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:31 pm

ruleser wrote:
scionb4 wrote:Is there any chance her company would pay for her to go in the hopes that she becomes an in-house attorney? I'm not sure if any companies would do that (probably not), or if she even wants to still work for her current employer.
When I spoke to my legal dept, they mentioned that possibility, in addition to being very open to me gaining experience in legal while continuing in my current position.
Well - if that is an option for the OP's wife, I'd say there's nothing wrong with that at all.

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by trialjunky » Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:39 pm

NO! no, no, no, no nO, NO! I think the fact that your going has all of sudden set out the green monster in her because this is a job she wanted to do as a little girl. However, in this economy I wouldnt take that risk. She'd be really pissed if she got out making 50k, which is a reality for MANY. She likes her job. She obviously does a good job at it. She's just itching to go because you are which isnt a valid reason.

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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by BasketCaseBrief » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:24 am

Does your six-figure sugar momma really want a pay cut bad enough to go to law school? She's making more money now than she would being a lawyer, to be quite honest, lol.


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Re: My wife makes 110k, 27 years old and wants to go to Law sch

Post by jd- » Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:41 pm

Yeah that is kind of odd... I am a little older and only able to make 40k's so far hopping crappy jobs I hate with just undergrad so I have diff reasons for going to Law School, it is part law, part money definitely as I get older, have kids, want bigger place, more for my is def an issue, as well as an undoubtfully more rewarding career than the doldrums of IT. I guess hers would have to assume a very possible salary drop and loss of money...she has a lot more to lose. A lot of other people don't and are in careers they do not like...If I was making 6 figures however, I could justify the lower job happiness... but unhappiness + low salary is a big motivator :) Assuming 3 years loss of making 110K a year... and 100K in law school + interest... that is almost a 1/2 million dollar swing for something that is unsure.

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