Gap in Resume Forum

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Anonymous User
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Gap in Resume

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:14 am

In-house lawyer here in a major market. Seriously considering taking 6-12 months off from work in the near future (maybe 2023 or 2024) just to relax, travel, pursue hobbies and generally take some time to think about my life. I was in biglaw for 5 years and have been in-house for 3. My current gig is pretty good, all things considered, but would love to have more time to myself while I'm young and my friends and family are healthy.

I've heard mixed things about ability to get a good job after a gap in your resume especially in big cities where there is a lot of competition. I went to a good law school, OK grades, reasonable firm and good experience, but wondering if anyone has any direct experience trying to get an in-house job after time off without a traditional reason (illness, motherhood, etc). My practice area is pretty broad and I see jobs I'm qualified for pretty often on job boards, but I fear I'm taking myself out of the running by taking a gap year.

I'm not particularly ambitious and not gunning to be GC or anything but would feel more comfortable knowing that after a career gap I wouldn't be completely shut out of traditional in-house jobs. If you've hired in-house lawyers, would a gap in a resume without a "traditional" reason be a deal breaker? What explanations or activities during the gap would make the time off less of an issue? Has anyone done this and been able to get a good job afterward?

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