Analytical Reasoning Timing help Forum

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Analytical Reasoning Timing help

Post by savvyrookie » Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:43 am


My daughter is taking the LSAT this fall but she is struggling with the Analytical Reasoning section. She says she can solve all the problems but can't do it in the allotted time. Should she get a tutor since her exam is on Oct? What else would you recommend for her since her exa,m is coming up in Oct. Her last score on the prep LSAT was 172. She wants a 180. Thanks for your help.


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Re: Analytical Reasoning Timing help

Post by HopefulSplitter0000 » Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:39 am

First off, why on earth does she 'want a 180'? Is that just the arbitrary goal she set for herself, or is there a concrete reason behind that?

Second, has she read the PowerScore Logic Games Bible (or another similar analytical reasoning textbook)? If not, stop reading and buy a copy. Come back when she has finished.

Still reading? Good. You said she struggles with timing. That indicates a lack of timed practice. If she can solve questions without time pressure, she needs to begin taking timed sections and learning to put together diagrams and combine rules quickly and efficiently. For some game types (linear games for example) this is easy. For others (mapping games and circular games) it is more challenging.

She should begin doing timed games (not full practice sections) and seeing which game types are posing the greatest difficulty. Then if she cannot figure out, with the help of a good prep book, how to move quicker on those game types, you should buy her a copy of PowerScore's Game Type Training. This book breaks down the questions by type and section, and it can be helpful if one or two types of games are the source of her time trouble. If she is struggling with timing for every single logic game type, that is a signal that she needs to practice the fundamentals: diagramming and combining rules. For this, there is no substitution for practice.

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