1Ls: Which class you like the least/have most trouble with? Forum

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1Ls: Which class you like the least/have most trouble with?

Post by TheFutureLawyer » Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:39 am

I'd say I like Contracts the least, probably because it's the single class I have with a boring professor (though he's not that bad, but the other profs put him to shame).

I felt really dumb in Civ Pro the other day. We were assigned to read some rules from FRCP, and I did, but the way it was being discussed in class it seems we were pretty much supposed to have them already memorized, which I most definitely did not (truthfully I really only skimmed it). Glad we have the long weekend to relax and so I can do some catching up along with getting ready for week 3.

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Re: 1Ls: Which class you like the least/have most trouble with?

Post by Kabuo » Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:06 am

Not exactly the same, but pretty similar: http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... 3&t=163960

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