is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025 Forum

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is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025

Post by lawschoolsplit2023 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:26 pm

Have a bit of confusion regarding LSAT offerings. From what I understand now, a standardized test of some sorts is requisite to apply to law school (i.e. GMAT, GRE) in place of LSAT for those that go that route. I read that in 2025 the ABA is moving towards nullifying the LSAT or any standardized exam for admissions Fall 2025 semester.

1). I have a 2.7 law school gpa (for solid medical reasons with 3.5 ugpa on transcript)/178 LSAT score. If I dont apply Fall 2024, and instead apply Fall 2025, is it possible that I could be rejected from every law school I apply, because the 2.7 (without law schools putting weight) on LSAT would then be meaningless?
2). Even though they are voting in 2025 to not have standardized tests for admission consideration, Is it true there will be some law schools that go independent of the decision and still choose to count standardized tests
3). Lastly, LSAT hasnt posted their 2024-25 offerings yet. They likely still will offer it then right for those that wish to retest


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Re: is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025

Post by ignorantfoot33 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:07 pm

I'm answering this only because I'm getting tired of seeing you post this same post over and over.

The LSAT hasn't yet been eliminated for 2025, and I doubt it will because these movements generally fail. The House of Delegates has voted it down repeatedly, including most recently in February. I think some law school deans were proposing a compromise where 25% of the class would not need standardized tests, but I'm not sure where that stands or how popular it is with the ABA.

The uGPA/LSAT matters because of US News and their ranking methodology. So really, the question is what will US News do with the LSAT measure? (Add in all the turmoil over the latest round of US News, and that becomes an even more loaded question.)

Your 2.7 is going to be prohibitive to get into many schools. A solid medical reason will help but sub-3.0 is still going to be a really rough run. From your other posts it seems like you're T14 or bust, and you need to be ready for that to not be in the cards.


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Re: is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025

Post by lawschoolsplit2023 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:50 pm

Thanks for your reply. I really do appreciate it. I didnt realize there had been an update in February 2023 that it was turned down by the house of delegates, as I was only going from preceding news from back in November when it was proposed. I saw an article now online that said they may still push for the requirement to be waved, but how that wont begin to effect students until 2026, if it does get enacted later, which is good it shouldnt effect my 2024 or 25 cycles. Appreciate again your insight.

One further question, if you wouldnt mind. Even with a 178, if I have opportunity I would like to retest and give myself time to do that. LSAC only has testing dates for LSAT until June 2024. The fact it doesnt list dates beyond that, isnt synonymous with them not offering it after June 2024, correct? They just likely dont have their Fall 2024 offering schedule posted yet as it is too soon? Thanks!


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Re: is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025

Post by ignorantfoot33 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:29 pm

Very likely they just haven't set the dates that far out yet, I think you'd see something similar if you google other standardized tests.

However, unless your score is expiring, you'd be taking a big risk of getting a lower score, so it may not make much sense to retake. At 178, you are at or above even the top school's 75% percentiles.


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Re: is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025

Post by nixy » Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:13 pm

Yeah, there is absolutely no point in retaking a 178 (unless you mean it's going to expire before you will be applying).

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Re: is the LSAT going to be optional after 2025

Post by Serjatclaw » Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:36 pm

Write an addendum for the GPA and you will be fine. The LSAT is scored out of 180: you are two points from a perfect score. Schools will take notice of that, and if you have some additional volunteering or something interesting to pad up the application, I don't see how the T14 is completely out of the question.

I would be more worried about making sure you have letters of recommendation from professors: if you have a 2.7 GPA, I'm guessing you probably don't have a wide pool of people to vouch for your academic skills. Try to reach out to some professors who taught classes you did well in (as in A or A-, nothing less) and see if any respond. If you're taking a gap year, try to volunteer or intern somewhere that allows you to work closely under a mentor or supervisor, so they can write a decent letter.

If you don't make it to the T14, it's not the end of the world. I would still apply to them (like, all of them if you can afford the fees), but keep in mind where you would want to eventually practice law and apply to some lower ranked schools in those areas. It may be that you'll have to chose between paying sticker price for a T14 or getting a full ride at a lower ranked school.

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