Do unique interests/hobbies help at all in admissions? Forum

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Do unique interests/hobbies help at all in admissions?

Post by BobMcSwaggel112 » Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:53 pm

I realize LSAT + GPA are by and far the largest part of an app (and LORs and personal statements, to a lesser extent), but I'm curious if unique/unconventional hobbies make any difference in admissions, particularly in the T6. My reason for pondering this is it seems some T6 schools have sections on their class profile pages listing "cool" hobbies members of their incoming class partake in. For instance, Harvard lists that its 2024 class has "3 Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes" and Columbia lists that it has a "taxi cab driver" and "rabbis." Again, I'm not asking if hobbies/interests like these hold similar weight to your LSAT score or GPA, just if there are any thoughts on if they're a boon at all.

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