Canadian interested in PI - should I apply to T14?? Forum

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Canadian interested in PI - should I apply to T14??

Post by beluga42 » Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:42 am

I'm a Canadian citizen with a 4.1 LSAC gpa/176. I have already applied to Canadian schools but I am wondering if I should also apply to the T14, specifically schools with a PI leaning like NYU and Berkeley. I know that the general advice for Canadians NOT interested in big law is to stay in Canada. I am interested in PI but I don't know exactly what type of work I would like to do, and I know that many opportunities will be closed to me because of my citizenship. What types of PI positions would I be eligible for/would justify the increased debt load and moving countries?

Thank you in advance! As a first generation professional I'm still pretty confused about what types of work are out there.


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Re: Canadian interested in PI - should I apply to T14??

Post by crazywafflez » Sun Nov 07, 2021 12:05 pm

Most of us, myself included, just don't know the track for being able to stay in the US unless it is via biglaw. I can say that your numbers are competitive for Y, and I'd go to Y even as a Canadian? I think H may carry some hefty prestige back in Canada as well, and perhaps could be worth it if there's loan forgiveness programs via YH and/or in Canada.
Where do you want to do PI work? If in Canada, certainly stay. If the states, no clue- this is a tough question, and the only real solution I can think of is to do a couple years in Big law and then audible. But I'd encourage you to contact folks in various positions who are Canadian and just ask them- I just don't think anybody on this board has the knowledge- maybe I'm wrong, but its a pretty big decision and a lot of money.

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Re: Canadian interested in PI - should I apply to T14??

Post by nealric » Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:55 pm

I'm far from an expert in the Canadian legal market, but I imagine HYS probably plays pretty well there even if you don't want to move to the U.S. But not sure about financial aid for non-Americans. If that's an issue, I'd consider seeing if any of the T14 will offer you a full ride or close to it and cross shop that with U of T.

If you are looking to immigrate to the U.S., you'd probably need to do a stint in biglaw and get a greencard before doing PI. But it's certainly possible to do PI after doing a biglaw lit practice.


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Re: Canadian interested in PI - should I apply to T14??

Post by NoLongerALurker » Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:17 pm

I co-sign the above


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Re: Canadian interested in PI - should I apply to T14??

Post by Access » Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:56 pm

Of course you should! You should go to the best school that gives you a full scholarship.

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