LSAC Disability Lawsuit and MCAT non-standard conditions Forum

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LSAC Disability Lawsuit and MCAT non-standard conditions

Post by Law1491 » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:50 pm

MCAT exams are noted as non-standard when administered with accommodation. Below is the explanation of their current policy, pretty similar to LSAT flagging. I would think that law schools, like medical schools, would want to know if the test was taken under regular conditions or accommodations. Applicants with disabilities should receive additional time and can address any challenges in their lives in personal statements; due to this and other reasons law schools use holistic approach in their admission process. Do you think law schools will include an additional question on their applications whether the applicant received any accommodations, with the answer choices of YES, NO, DO NOT WISH TO DISCLOSE?

How is the score of a non-standard MCAT exam reported?
For tests that are administered under non-standard conditions, primarily those that involve a change in the timing of the test, we do not know if the scores obtained will be comparable to scores obtained under standard testing conditions. Therefore, tests that are administered under non-standard conditions will be noted as non-standard on score reports. Score reports do not indicate the reason for the administration of a non-standard MCAT exam or the specific type of accommodation that was provided.

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