Jd/MBA data online Forum

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Jd/MBA data online

Post by calidancer2 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:31 am

Anyone have any data online showing that the Jd/MBA combo is NOT worth the extra time and $? My friend is trying to go for this and I'm trying to dissuade her because from what I have heard on here, it is a waste of $ (both upfront and the loss of salary for a year to finish the extra year, if applicable). Now my parents are harping on me to get one as well since they hve heard she is going for one and that it would "expand my options." Can someone point me in the direction of some hard data/something/anything explaining that Jd/MBA isn't a good idea? Just want to provide some numbers for them and back up my point besides "tls told me so."


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Re: Jd/MBA data online

Post by $$$$$$ » Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:41 am

I actually think that the JD/MBA's I know are some of the more successful students, even with crap GPA. Depends on the school and situation of the person applying. Could be a really good hedge if 1L grades turn out to be shitty.

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