current/mailing address Forum

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current/mailing address

Post by mcs268 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:21 pm

I'm currently filling out apps, but i have a question on what we need to put as our current address. my current address is up at school, but they use that address for mailing, so i don't want to put it down in case i get a decision mailed during winter break. is it ok if i put my permanent address there even if it's different from my current address?

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Re: current/mailing address

Post by abcde12345 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:47 pm

Definitely put your home address. Your parents/relatives probably always get the mail, so you can be sure you've received something. Plus school mail is often shit.


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Re: current/mailing address

Post by SPerez » Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:53 am

I can tell you what my take is on this. Just fill out the application correctly. Don't over-think it. Some schools will mail to the permanent address, others will mail to the "current" address. Virtually all applications will have blanks for a current address and for a permanent address, and will have a field to enter the date up to which the current address will be valid.

We mail to whatever email is currently in use. The database automatically checks against the "valid until" date for the current address. If it's past that date, it uses the permanent address.

The other part of this that can be frustrating for admissions offices and cause students to miss out on things is that schools might use the address to do invitations for regional events. If you don't tell us where you actually live, then you won't find out that we might be having an event in your college's town (but you would hear about an event back home, which might not do you any good).

If you're worried about a decision mailed during winter break and you're going to be home for a long time, just have your mail forwarded home or update the admissions office with a temporary address to use during that period.

Dean Perez

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