What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake? Forum

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What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by zombi3 » Fri May 13, 2011 3:04 am

Hi y'all long time lurker first post --

I'm a 0L at CCN with a half tuition scholly. Straight through undergrad, major in basket weaving.

My GPA is between a 3.9 and a 4.0 and my LSAT is in the low 170's. I underperformed my average practice test score when I took the exam, and am confident I could do better.

Should I wait a year / retake the LSAT in october to try to get HYS?


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by stylishlaw » Fri May 13, 2011 3:23 am

As an engineer with a crappy GPA, I have to say I hate you :P

But in all seriousness, what you should do really depends on your goals. Unless you are dead set on academia, you should just go to CCN at half-scholly. It's an amazing opportunity that most people would die for, and while "retake" is a standard response on TLS.. it doesn't make sense in your situation. It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by protein » Fri May 13, 2011 3:37 am

I really wish I majored in basket weaving


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by 071816 » Fri May 13, 2011 4:05 am

Do whatever the fuck you want. Most people would kill for your numbers.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by swc65 » Fri May 13, 2011 4:57 am

Last edited by swc65 on Fri May 13, 2011 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by aPosseAdEsse » Fri May 13, 2011 5:09 am

You're golden. Ride the magic, and don't look back.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by shoeshine » Fri May 13, 2011 5:11 am

What type of baskets?


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by josephine1 » Fri May 13, 2011 7:25 am

Majoring in something super easy in undergrad seems like a smart strategy if you want to go to law school and happen to utilize your 4 years of college having fun and studying for LSATs.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by whirledpeas86 » Fri May 13, 2011 8:52 am

If you REALLY want to try for HYS, you could sign up for the June LSAT and retake then while having a seat deposit at CCN. If you do significantly better, you could withdraw from CCN and reapply really early in the next cycle. If you don't do significantly better, you've still got a deposit in at CCN as a Damn good back up. Good luck!

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by Calla Lily » Fri May 13, 2011 8:55 am

whirledpeas86 wrote:If you REALLY want to try for HYS, you could sign up for the June LSAT and retake then while having a seat deposit at CCN. If you do significantly better, you could withdraw from CCN and reapply really early in the next cycle. If you don't do significantly better, you've still got a deposit in at CCN as a Damn good back up. Good luck!
Peas has got it right.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by zombi3 » Fri May 13, 2011 11:07 am

swc65 wrote:seriously?
aPosseAdEsse wrote:You're golden. Ride the magic, and don't look back.
HYS = the magic?
shoeshine wrote:What type of baskets?
Underwater baskets.
whirledpeas86 wrote:If you REALLY want to try for HYS, you could sign up for the June LSAT and retake then while having a seat deposit at CCN. If you do significantly better, you could withdraw from CCN and reapply really early in the next cycle. If you don't do significantly better, you've still got a deposit in at CCN as a Damn good back up. Good luck!
Thanks - this is what I was looking for. That's a really good idea, but I have less than a month.

I haven't cracked a powerscore book in ~ a year. I studied quite a bit for June '10.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by bdubs » Fri May 13, 2011 11:10 am

With a score in the low 170s you could tutor the LSAT for $ between now and October, I would imagine by that point your dreams would consist solely of logic games and you would score a 180.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by sold123 » Fri May 13, 2011 3:12 pm

whirledpeas86 wrote:If you REALLY want to try for HYS, you could sign up for the June LSAT and retake then while having a seat deposit at CCN. If you do significantly better, you could withdraw from CCN and reapply really early in the next cycle. If you don't do significantly better, you've still got a deposit in at CCN as a Damn good back up. Good luck!
You don't think this would affect OP's standing with CCN? I wonder what goes through the minds of Administrators when they see one of their deposited members of class-so and so (with a half tuition scholarship) register for the next cycles' LSAT.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by whirledpeas86 » Fri May 13, 2011 3:29 pm

sold123 wrote:
whirledpeas86 wrote:If you REALLY want to try for HYS, you could sign up for the June LSAT and retake then while having a seat deposit at CCN. If you do significantly better, you could withdraw from CCN and reapply really early in the next cycle. If you don't do significantly better, you've still got a deposit in at CCN as a Damn good back up. Good luck!
You don't think this would affect OP's standing with CCN? I wonder what goes through the minds of Administrators when they see one of their deposited members of class-so and so (with a half tuition scholarship) register for the next cycles' LSAT.
Well it's not like ccn us going to revoke op's scholarship or offer of admission. It could only Hurt if op applies to ccn again next cycle.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by ahduth » Fri May 13, 2011 3:45 pm

stylishlaw wrote:As an engineer with a crappy GPA, I have to say I hate you :P

But in all seriousness, what you should do really depends on your goals. Unless you are dead set on academia, you should just go to CCN at half-scholly. It's an amazing opportunity that most people would die for, and while "retake" is a standard response on TLS.. it doesn't make sense in your situation. It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.
This. Only academia is really going to necessitate you graduating from HYS. To reiterate:
It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by pwyoung » Fri May 13, 2011 10:36 pm

sold123 wrote:
whirledpeas86 wrote:If you REALLY want to try for HYS, you could sign up for the June LSAT and retake then while having a seat deposit at CCN. If you do significantly better, you could withdraw from CCN and reapply really early in the next cycle. If you don't do significantly better, you've still got a deposit in at CCN as a Damn good back up. Good luck!
You don't think this would affect OP's standing with CCN? I wonder what goes through the minds of Administrators when they see one of their deposited members of class-so and so (with a half tuition scholarship) register for the next cycles' LSAT.
He's already got deposits with CCN, it's not going to do much if anything.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by TLSNYC » Sat May 14, 2011 1:20 pm

Do you think something might have prevented you from getting into HYS besides numbers? 3.9X/172+ is usually good for Harvard.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by bdubs » Sat May 14, 2011 2:11 pm

TLSNYC wrote:Do you think something might have prevented you from getting into HYS besides numbers? 3.9X/172+ is usually good for Harvard.
Low 170s could be 170 or 171, those are rarities at HY.


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by zombi3 » Sat May 14, 2011 7:04 pm

bdubs wrote:
TLSNYC wrote:Do you think something might have prevented you from getting into HYS besides numbers? 3.9X/172+ is usually good for Harvard.
Low 170s could be 170 or 171, those are rarities at HY.
Not a 170 or 171.

I don't know what might have prevented me from getting into HYS besides numbers. If I did that would be encouragement to retake because it could be curable.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by Na_Swatch » Sat May 14, 2011 7:19 pm

TLSNYC wrote:Do you think something might have prevented you from getting into HYS besides numbers? 3.9X/172+ is usually good for Harvard.
No, 3.9x and a 173 is usually good for Harvard (probably 70% chance). However dropping to 172 puts you below median LSAT and greatly lowers your chances in comparison to a 173... 172 and 173 is probably the biggest 1 point jump in terms of HLS


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by Bumi » Sat May 14, 2011 7:45 pm


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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by BruceWayne » Sat May 14, 2011 7:50 pm

ahduth wrote:
stylishlaw wrote:As an engineer with a crappy GPA, I have to say I hate you :P

But in all seriousness, what you should do really depends on your goals. Unless you are dead set on academia, you should just go to CCN at half-scholly. It's an amazing opportunity that most people would die for, and while "retake" is a standard response on TLS.. it doesn't make sense in your situation. It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.
This. Only academia is really going to necessitate you graduating from HYS. To reiterate:
It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.
This isn't true at all. Theres a big difference between hys and ccn for everything except NYC firm jobs. In fact it's probably the only real significant gap in the top 14. with ccn compared to the rest of the top14 u only get an advantage for by firm jobs. Hys almost guarantee a firm job and they are much stronger than ccn for clerkships fed gov and pi work. If he can he should retake and go for hys.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by ahduth » Sat May 14, 2011 7:54 pm

Bumi wrote:Image
Thank god someone opened this thread up to trolling.

OP, you seem to have no concept of what you're going to do post-professional school, yet you think HYS is so important you should wait a year before going.

Get real.

The vast majority of T6 graduates get shitty corporate law jobs. Once you get one, you're judged on your ability to negotiate bureaucracy, not on what school you went to. If you actually want to be truly competitive, get some work experience before you go to law school.

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by DoubleChecks » Sat May 14, 2011 7:58 pm

Na_Swatch wrote:
TLSNYC wrote:Do you think something might have prevented you from getting into HYS besides numbers? 3.9X/172+ is usually good for Harvard.
No, 3.9x and a 173 is usually good for Harvard (probably 70% chance). However dropping to 172 puts you below median LSAT and greatly lowers your chances in comparison to a 173... 172 and 173 is probably the biggest 1 point jump in terms of HLS
tbh, i dont think a 3.9 and 173 is even that good (70%) of a chance at HLS anymore (if ever -- i mean even LSP puts it at under 50%, and i tend to be a tad more pessimistic than LSP), unless i guess if you want possibly coming off the waitlist...

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Re: What's the difference between HYS and CCN / Should I retake?

Post by ahduth » Sat May 14, 2011 8:10 pm

BruceWayne wrote:
ahduth wrote:
stylishlaw wrote:As an engineer with a crappy GPA, I have to say I hate you :P

But in all seriousness, what you should do really depends on your goals. Unless you are dead set on academia, you should just go to CCN at half-scholly. It's an amazing opportunity that most people would die for, and while "retake" is a standard response on TLS.. it doesn't make sense in your situation. It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.
This. Only academia is really going to necessitate you graduating from HYS. To reiterate:
It would not guarantee HYS and actually has a lot of risk because you could potentially waste a year and end up in the same situation. You will not lose out on anything by going to CCN.
This isn't true at all. Theres a big difference between hys and ccn for everything except NYC firm jobs. In fact it's probably the only real significant gap in the top 14. with ccn compared to the rest of the top14 u only get an advantage for by firm jobs. Hys almost guarantee a firm job and they are much stronger than ccn for clerkships fed gov and pi work. If he can he should retake and go for hys.
BW, where do you get this stuff? The OP has a half ride at a CCN school. Unless they have a stated preference for clerkships or academia, why on earth would they wait? Even then we're talking about a hypothetical LSAT score.

As far as NYC firms versus non-NYC firms, please for the love of god back this up in some meaningful manner. Certainly, top 50 firms have more H graduates than CCN graduates. But can you honestly recommend to the OP that they should pass on a half scholarship at CCN, because they'll not get a top 50 firm job because they didn't attend H?

Seriously? What are you waiting for?

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