Post LSAT (159) Panic Forum

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Post LSAT (159) Panic

Post by larias » Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:46 am

I got my first LSAT results back and expected to score in the mid-ish 160s. I hadn't scored anything lower on the ten practice tests I'd taken since Nov. and I tanked it. I got a 159. My URM stats: I'm a first-gen Latina, English is not my first language, first in my family to attend college. I have a 3.5 GPA from a top liberal arts college,a Fulbright, a prestigious nuclear security fellowship at the top defense think tank, and I'll have contributed to an academic book by the time I apply in the fall. In addition I have a number of relatively prestigious internships (8) under my belt and currently working at a good IP firm. I KNOW I need to score at least in the mid 160s to even have a chance at T-14 and I'm retaking again in April, but I'm terrified that my nerves will betray me again. Realistically, how panicked should I be right now?

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Re: Post LSAT (159) Panic

Post by Dcc617 » Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:05 pm

Don't panic, you have plenty of retakes and schools only care about your highest score.

I'd go through and figure out why you scored below, and if it's nerves then work on strategies for managing them.

My personal tip is just straight familiarity with the test. If you've taken the test enough then on test day it's just going through the same process you've done dozens of times.


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Re: Post LSAT (159) Panic

Post by QContinuum » Fri Feb 07, 2020 4:17 pm

Dcc617 wrote:Don't panic, you have plenty of retakes and schools only care about your highest score.
This. And if OP does get up to a 165+, there's no need to even consider writing an LSAT addendum. Schools will just ignore the 159 as if it didn't exist. This is the best thing about the LSAT: you get to redo it until you're satisfied with your score.

One note though: OP mentions being a Latina. For law school admissions purposes, URM status is a bit funky. Generally, Mexican-Americans and Puerto Ricans get a URM "boost", while other Latinx applicants don't seem to. Regardless, even with a URM "boost", a 160+ LSAT is essential for the T13, and really a 165+ (obviously the higher the better, both in terms of admissions chances and merit aid - every single point on the LSAT could be worth tens of thousands of dollars).

OP, you can do it. You got a 3.5 and a Fulbright as a first-gen student. You can squeeze a few more points out of the LSAT!

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