CCyeah wrote:Can those who've gotten in off the wait-list include info about the number of LOCIs you've sent, whether you went to a campus visit, etc? I think that sort of information could be useful to the rest of us hoping to get off of some wait-lists.
As someone who was WLed basically EVERYWHERE, I just wanted to give some words of encouragement and say there is hope for WLs! Do not be pessimistic about it and assume that you'll never be accepted and that you have to settle for the first school you get into. By the second week in May, I got off of 3/10 WLs (more like 3/9 because I withdrew from Texas earlier). One of those acceptances was Penn, and the only school that had initially admitted me out of the 13 I had applied to was BU... so my advice is to hang in there and GO HARD (but not too hard) on your WLs! write detailed/compelling/love letter LOCIs every 3-4 weeks but don't harass them any more than that (I sent 1-2 to each school before I was admitted). Out of my 3 WLs, I only visited UCLA, and I think the visit really helped show my interest (I was admitted by someone I casually met during my visit). So I definitely don't think it's necessary to visit, but could definitely be a boost and serve as more interesting LOCI material!