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Should I cancel my score w/ Score Preview?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:56 am
by guestorama12
What are some of the things I should be considering when deciding to cancel or keep my score? For context, I scored a 164 but am aiming for 170+. I am planning on quitting my job to focus full-time on the LSAT for a couple of months and then take it for a second time before the upcoming August cycle. I know the factors vary for any given individual so just curious what other people consider when cancelling their score.

I know some of the other posters can be rather brutal on here, so it goes without saying that I am extremely grateful for the score I received and recognize the fortunate position that I am in to be able to quit my job for a few months. So with that out of the way, let me have it lol.