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Cannot Be True. PrepTest June 1999, Section 1, #11

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:51 pm
by strawberryprincess7
Hello. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why the correct answer choice is A. The second sentence of the stimulus says that NO OTHER ORGANISM has a greater resistance to cancer than sharks. Answer Choice A states that "no organism resists cancer better than sharks do, but some resist cancer as well as sharks." This is true according to the analysis given for the second sentence in the stimulus, and therefore it does not match the question stem criteria of selecting an answer that could be true EXCEPT.

Consequently, I don't understand why answer choice B is incorrect.

Re: Cannot Be True. PrepTest June 1999, Section 1, #11

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:14 pm
by polareagle
I don't have access to the actual preptest, but from the summary in post 2 here, where you also seem to have posted your question, it seems that the stimulus is actually "[sharks] have a greater resistance to cancer than any other organism." If that's true, you've reversed things in the sentence above--perhaps there's a printing error in the book you're working out of?