reviewing PT's Forum

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reviewing PT's

Post by pattymac » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:17 am

Anybody want to share their insight on how they review their PT's? I've reviewed the seven I've done so far...I pretty much just rewrite the test slowly and look for trends, although I don't see anything that sticks out and I'm only scoring in the high 150's right now :S. Seems as though I either suck from questionms 1-10 on LR (maybe miss three), then ace 18-25 (I think this is from rushing from 1-10 and having more time from 18-25) or the other way around. I am writing the older tests, and as I said in another post, it seems as though one game trips me up and keeps me from scoring in the 160-162 range right now.

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