MBA programs on Law School Campuses/ interaction with non law school part of a campus Forum

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MBA programs on Law School Campuses/ interaction with non law school part of a campus

Post by Inhousefuture » Thu Dec 09, 2021 12:34 pm

Hello, Has anyone who was NOT A JOINT MBA/JD Student, has anyone had during their law school any interactions with the MBA program on their campus as in: networking and speaker events, recruiting, cross registration classes, etc/ If so, what was the experience like?

Also, for that matter has anyone had any significant interactions with the undergrad/general part of the university? For instance, joining a political organization or attending political speaker events.


The Lsat Airbender

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Re: MBA programs on Law School Campuses/ interaction with non law school part of a campus

Post by The Lsat Airbender » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:28 pm

I'm generalizing below and you'll obviously be able to get more useful info if you asked about a specific school since both the written and unwritten rules vary widely.

Most schools will:

- Let you cross-register for classes in other parts of the university, including the b-school, although there's a cap on this because of ABA graduation requirements and it can mess with things like honors eligibility.

- Let you attend lectures/speaker events - but you might need to do some sleuthing to find them if they're housed in a different school/department. Obviously if, say, a former president comes to campus to speak then you'll have a hard time getting into the auditorium but that's not a unique problem for law students.

- Let grad students join student clubs. In practice law students rarely have the time to truly get involved in, say, the debate society or Young Democrats chapter the way that undergrads can.

Most schools will not:

- Give you access to substantive recruiting or networking opps for the b-school (or e.g. an undergrad career fair). That's kind of the whole draw of business school, so they don't want to dilute it/give it away for free. (Possible exception for pseudo-JDMBA programs like UChicago's Doctoroff although I wasn't in one of those and wouldn't know. If you're looking at a program like that then you should talk to its alumni.)

In general, you can experience a lot of campus activity beyond the law school, should you so desire, but I wouldn't count on materially different career/social opportunities than what the law school intrinsically offers. Penn Carey isn't a backdoor to Wharton outcomes, etc.

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