Civil procedure mcs Forum

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Civil procedure mcs

Post by perfunctory » Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:58 pm

My civ pro final is going to have a lot of mcs. Are there any good banks for mcs? Looking for tough questions.


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Re: Civil procedure mcs

Post by RaceJudicata » Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:10 pm

perfunctory wrote:My civ pro final is going to have a lot of mcs. Are there any good banks for mcs? Looking for tough questions.
E&E's might be helpful. Use your prof's old exams (but a lot of mc exams aren't shared because the prof doesn't wanna make the questions year in and year out). Search "Civil Procedure multiple choice" on google and see if other school's exams come up, but if you do this, just be sure that your prof 1) taught the material and 2) had the same view on the material.

IME, Civ Pro multi choice was the hardest fucking exam of law school and it sucked, big time. good luck!

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Re: Civil procedure mcs

Post by Toubro » Sat Nov 26, 2016 11:38 pm ... ure-exams/

I found these MC to be particularly useful, but my professor had listed this blog on Blackboard as resources we should check out if we had extra time so I was pretty sure this wouldn't be a waste of time. YMMV.

Also, while it's true that you should try to use resources that best mimic your professor's style, reviewing questions from E&Es and websites such as the one linked above is great substantive review for the exam even if the questions won't show up in the same form. E.g. this question didn't show up on my exam in its classic hypothetical form, but there was an MC which turned on knowing that not fulfilling a state's rules on service does not vitiate notice under Rule 4.

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