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T4 to GULC Admitted

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:25 pm
by billxcarter
Just some information here for fellow T4 transfer hopefuls to let you know that there IS hope of transferring to some T1 law schools. I am a student at a T4 law school and I have a few classmates who have successfully transferred to both UGA and GULC for the upcoming academic year. I am unsure of their exact stats but I know each of them were top 10%. So contrary to some of the advice I see here, if you are at a T4 with strong measurables, I would recommend a few reach applications to T1 law school.

Re: T4 to GULC Admitted

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:18 am
by decimalsanddollars
I don't think anyone in your prior post said this couldn't or wouldn't happen; GULC and GW take TTTT transfers all the time. Most posters focused on the economic reality of transferring to schools that have just-okay placement rates in biglaw during one of the worst financial crises we've ever seen, especially as big firms are already trimming headcount and cutting pay.

That said, best of luck to you and congrats to your peers in transferring.