Is anyone still waiting for a decision? Forum

A forum for those current students who are or may be transferring from one school to another. Post any questions, advice, or other transfer related comments here.
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Is anyone still waiting for a decision?

Post by justright157 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:05 pm

I still havent heard from pepperdine or loyola and not sure what to make of it. Anyone else still waiting to hear from any schools?

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Re: Is anyone still waiting for a decision?

Post by northwood » Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:06 pm

call the school and see where they are. I didnt hear back from my school until july 31. Its getting close to the beginning of the semester, and you need to know where you are going so you can get yourself settled and ready for 2L, especially if you have to get a new apt and move

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