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Harvard JDP

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:17 pm
by Rend248
Anybody have any advice for somebody who applied to the Harvard JDP but is now wondering whether he should consider more options? Was always planning on applying, but ended up getting a better score than expected on June LSAT - high 170s. Also have a GPA of almost 4. Still went ahead with the application because I have long been interested in the 2 year deferral option, but I guess my score made the possibility feel more real. Basically, the question is whether I can get money at a different top school. I have found it very hard to gauge how much money these schools actually give out from looking online so far.

Re: Harvard JDP

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 4:32 am
by beverlyone
Congratulations on your impressive LSAT score and GPA! I consider the most weigh points you have to pay attention to are just academic reputation, location, and financial aspects. You have strong qualifications, so explore your options and good luck with your decision-making process!