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Job prospects after JD/MSEE

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:02 am
by townizm
I'm comsidering law schools that offer a duel degree program where I can obtain a JD as well as a MSEE at the same time by taking additional courses in the summer terms. I have a BSEE and want to go into patent law. However, I do have 3 years work experience at semiconductor and LSI circuit design. And I have foreign bachelor degree, so I think it would be helpful if I get MS degree in the US. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to whether the additional masters degree would give me an advance in the patent prosecution career field after I graduate. The time in school will not be extended, if I take summer courses(except 2L summer), or +1 year if I do not take summer courses.

I would greatly appreciate any related advice!

Re: Job prospects after JD/MSEE

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:05 pm
by totesTheGoat
Don't bother with the masters degree. You can get any job you want with 3 years work experience and a BSEE.