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Should I write a new PS so I can write Diversity Statements?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:16 am
by ProbablyWaitListed
Ok, so my basic issue is that my current Personal Statement revolves around basically the only type of diversity I have - basically my childhood was super sad and lonely and abusive blah blah blah but I'm also an affluent white male. So once I've discussed all that in my PS, there's basically nothing I can write about in a diversity statement. Applying to places like Georgetown, this precludes me from doing a lot of the prose available. Is this an issue, and should I develop a new PS that doesn't really touch my "diversity" factors?

Re: Should I write a new PS so I can write Diversity Statements?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:23 am
by cavalier1138
You don't need to write a DS. If your PS already hits on the relevant topic, then there's no need to change it just so you can add an optional statement. It won't move the needle.

Re: Should I write a new PS so I can write Diversity Statements?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:58 am
by ProbablyWaitListed
cavalier1138 wrote:You don't need to write a DS. If your PS already hits on the relevant topic, then there's no need to change it just so you can add an optional statement. It won't move the needle.
Damn, thanks for the reply. You're all over this forum bro.

Just to clarify a little more - I have a decently extensive background in both writing and independent research in my undergraduate field, getting some small distinction in both. I've thought that if I write up a new PS that hits those topics, and shift my current PS into a diversity statement, it might give me even more juice, as opposed to simply leaving the diversity field blank. Is that ridiculous? I honestly hope there's no point in doing this because I really don't want to hammer out another half-decent PS lol

Re: Should I write a new PS so I can write Diversity Statements?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:01 am
by nixy
You want to make sure to get all the pertinent info about yourself in front of the adcomms, rather than worrying about which box it falls into. I would imagine that your writing and research background/experience are probably evident from your resume, so rehashing them in a PS isn’t going to accomplish anything. Plus that doesn’t sound like a very interesting PS, to be frank. There’s no strike against you for not writing something labeled a diversity statement if the info that would go into that statement is clear from the rest of your application. And I think trying to shoehorn experiences into a “diversity” category just so you can add an essay/check a box isn’t really helpful/necessary.

Re: Should I write a new PS so I can write Diversity Statements?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:07 pm
by ProbablyWaitListed
nixy wrote:You want to make sure to get all the pertinent info about yourself in front of the adcomms, rather than worrying about which box it falls into. I would imagine that your writing and research background/experience are probably evident from your resume, so rehashing them in a PS isn’t going to accomplish anything. Plus that doesn’t sound like a very interesting PS, to be frank. There’s no strike against you for not writing something labeled a diversity statement if the info that would go into that statement is clear from the rest of your application. And I think trying to shoehorn experiences into a “diversity” category just so you can add an essay/check a box isn’t really helpful/necessary.
Great point, thank you for the advice.This has really reassured me - I was starting to get super nervous I was gonna need to iron out a whole new PS when I just got a functional one.