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Character and fitness (help)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:41 am
by MFLeviathan
Hi TLS Community,

Looking for advice on how to craft my character and fitness essay. [Redacted at OP's request]

Any advice would be appreciated and a read through too, pm me please. Desperate.

Re: Character and fitness (help)

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:45 pm
by HarryPutter
If you took an alcohol education class or any related rehab, definitely discuss what you learned

Re: Character and fitness (help)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:44 pm
by Access
First, be factual and don't make any excuses. List out the facts. Then, if you can demonstrate that you changed your behavior, detail that. What is concerning about your case is the repeat - and the larceny thing. It looks like you are/were out of control.

How long ago was all this? If you just now finished your legal situation, it may not be long enough to show that you are actually rehabilitated. I know you don't want to do hear this but perhaps taking a couple of years off and getting work experience (if you don't have especially) would help you. Then you can come back and say "I have been a responsible adult for two years". You can also use the time to bring up your LSAT scores.

Re: Character and fitness (help)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:28 pm
HarryPutter wrote:If you took an alcohol education class or any related rehab, definitely discuss what you learned
I agree with listing any class you've taken. I'd also probably just state the petty theft charge was dismissed on the merits without going into much detail. You should also read the apps carefully to see if you need to disclose arrests for which you were found not guilty (some schools require this, some do not). I think the petty theft charge, if it were guilty, could be a bigger hurdle than a single DUI arrest as it is more likely to be perceived as a crime of moral turpitude. I don't think these are necessarily cycle altering infractions. You just obviously need to be less reckless going forward. You can do this by being more scheduled and regimented so as to develop more self-control, but your therapist is obviously a better source for controlling this issue.